Notes of an IT Architect

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Оно опубликовано в 2021 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In this book, the Chief Architect of the Department of Architecture and Management of Technical Architecture of the Cloud Native Competence Center of Sberbank shares the knowledge and experience with readers, accumulated in the development of their own and assessment of other people's architectures, providing a basis for professional and career growth.

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About the book

In this book, we will cover the following sections:

* Architecture;

* Solution Architect and microservices;

* View from the height of the business and business architect;

* Corporate architecture;

* Service architect;

* Use in the management of ITIL 4, PMBOOK and COBIT 5;

* Application architect and design patterns;

* DevOps as a component of an architect;

* Architect and basic patterns;

* Corporate data bus;

* Service Oriented Architect;

* Applications in the cloud;

* Infrastructure for the cloud;

* Edge scaling sizes: data centers, cluster, sizes;

* Architect in business processes;

* Waterfall;

* Scrum;

* Kanban;

* Varieties of teams;

* Selection and growth of personnel;

* TeamLead & leading specialist;

* Virtualization;

* Features of development in Windows – Vagrant;

* Containerization;

* Podman and Docker;

* Stacks;

* Languages and paradigms of programming;

* Front-end: single page web applications.

About the author

Now the author holds the position of the Chief Architect of Cloud Native Competencies of the Architecture Department of Sberbank Competence. In this position, the author is engaged in research on the implementation and use of technologies that are already or very soon will become the de facto standard, such as servoless theologies and CloudEvents, and with which he shares with the reader. Also, the author, on a regular basis, evaluates existing systems and those planned for implementation in accordance with their modern standards, for example, CloudNative. About this, in the book, the author talks about the scope and guides the reader to implement them. The author pays special attention to this – finding practical solutions in the formed ecosystem that make life easier for both developers and the support service, while the customer remains interested in them. Employees gain knowledge of current technologies in which problems that are present in obsolete and retired ones have already been solved. This solves the problems of both developers and customers. The author does not dwell on any one technology that he has come across, but gives universal technologies in a systemic and practical form, or introduces the reader to the set of used ones, as the author gives the code in the languages of Go, NodeJS, PHP and Java depending on the relevance. more than 10 years of experience in various fields and in various positions allows us to highlight the relevant and popular ones, as well as undergoing training at Yandex, Sberbank EPAM and receiving many specialized certificates. The author has collected experience, both in domestic and foreign companies, both in startups and in enteprase, both creating his own co-commercial products and working in grocery development and outsourcing, producing streaming products, as well as complex proprietary software solutions… In addition to typing systems and practical help, the author gives an organizational minimum. Internally, the vision will enable work experience in various technical positions such as back-end and full-stack developer, DevOps and Team-Lead, including Software Architect. Experience of work not only as a hired employee allows us to take a look at the organizational level. The author worked both as a hired employee, but also as an individual entrepreneur and an official partner of a large supplier of mass software in Russia and the CIS (Bitrix Technology Partner), making and assembling customized and scalable solutions.

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