IT Cloud

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Оно опубликовано в 2021 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In this book, the Chief Architect of the Cloud Native Competence Architecture Department at Sberbank shares his knowledge and experience with the reader on the creation and transition to the cloud ecosystem, as well as the creation and adaptation of applications for it. In the book, the author tries to lead the reader along the path, bypassing mistakes and difficulties. To do this, practical applications are demonstrated and explained so that the reader can use them as instructions for educational and work purposes. The reader can be both developers of different levels and ecosystem specialists who wish not to lose the relevance of their skills in an already changed world.

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More than 70 (76) tools are considered in practice in the book:

* Google Cloud Platform, Amazone WEB Services, Microsoft Azure;

* console utilities: cat, sed, NPM, node, exit, curl, kill, Dockerd, ps, sudo, grep, git, cd, mkdir, rm, rmdir, mongos, Python, df, eval, ip, mongo, netstat, oc, pgrep, ping, pip, pstree, systemctl, top, uname, VirtualBox, which, sleep, wget, tar, unzip, ls, virsh, egrep, cp, mv, chmod, ifconfig, kvm, minishift;

* standard tools: NGINX, MinIO, HAProxy, Docker, Consul, Vagrant, Ansible, kvm;

* DevOps tools: Jenkins, GitLab CI, BASH, PHP, Micro Kubernetes, kubectl, Velero, Helm, "http load testing";

* cloud Traefic, Kubernetes, Envoy, Istio, OpenShift, OKD, Rancher ,;

* several programming languages: PHP, NodeJS, Python, Golang.


Infrastructure development history

Limoncelli (author of "The Practice of Cloud System Administration"), who worked for a long time at Google Inc, believes that 2010 is the year of transition from the era of the traditional Internet to the era of cloud computing.

* 1985-1994 – the time of mainframes (large computers) and intra-corporate data exchange, in which you can easily plan the load

* 1995-2000 – the era of the emergence of Internet companies,

* 2000-2003

* 2003-2010

* 2010-2019

The increase in the productivity of a separate machine is less than the increase in cost, for example, an increase in productivity by 2 times leads to an increase in cost significantly more than 2 times. At the same time, each subsequent increase in productivity is much more expensive. Consequently, each new user was more expensive.

Later, in the period 2000-2003, an ecosystem was able to form, providing a fundamentally different approach:

* the emergence of distributed computing;

* the emergence of low-power mass equipment;

* maturation of OpenSource solutions, allowing you to install software on multiple machines, not bundled with a processor license;

* maturation of telecommunication infrastructure;

* increasing reliability due to the distribution of points of failure;

* the ability to increase performance if needed in the future by adding new components.

The next stage was unification, which was most pronounced in 2003-2010:

* providing in the data center not a place in the closet (power-location), but already unified hardware purchased in bulk for the whole cent;

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