Английский язык. Темы для экзаменов. Уровень С1

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру современная проза. Оно опубликовано в 2019 году. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 978-5-532-08174-1.


Экзаменационные темы данного пособия составлены носителем английского языка. Перед ним было поставлено условие: никакой предварительной подготовки – только спонтанная речь, непрерывно, в течение трех часов, говорить по девятнадцати экзаменационным темам. В результате после специальной обработки (по методу Речевой плазмы) был получен учебный материал, который является одним из самых эффективных при подготовке к устному экзамену по английскому языку. Если вы тщательно поработаете с учебным материалом пособия, то ваш ответ на экзамене будет очень похож на речь носителя английского языка. В отличие от "Английский язык. Темы для экзаменов. Уровень В2", язык настоящего пособия более сложный. Здесь больше рассуждений психологического и философского плана, что позволяет отнести данное пособие к уровню С1.

Читать онлайн Александр Павленко - Английский язык. Темы для экзаменов. Уровень С1



Hi, my name is Thomas. I’m from Leicestershire in England, a small village near Leicester called Glenfield to be exact. I was born there and have lived there for most of my life. When I was very young, my mother always used to stay at home with me and teach me things and play with me. I never had to go to a créche because she didn’t have to work. My father always came home at about 6 o’clock at night after a long day at work, and he worked enough that my mother didn’t have to. So this was great. My first real contact with other children was when my brother was born, when I was 3. And after that, at the nursery school. I only remember a few things about the nursery school because I was only 5 or 6, but I do remember a lot of bright colours, and that there were a lot of things to do. There was painting equipment, things to put on top of each other like bricks to build little houses out of, and a lot of children… I remember that we didn’t have to do very much there. It wasn’t like my later memories of school, when it became much more difficult and demanding.

My first impressions of primary school were very, very different to what I was used to before. I think I cried, like many children on their first day. I wasn’t so happy about being without my mother for more than 2 or 3 hours. However, I soon got used to it, and found lots of interesting places to hide and play in the school playground. I remember that there were many things to climb and swing on. We learned pretty much the same as children everywhere, I suppose. We learned the basics of Maths and English, and we started to do sport.

I remember at playtime, which was at about 10 o’clock in the morning, and then at another break at dinner time at about 12 o’clock, that we used to play a lot of sport as well. But my strongest memories of it were of very rough games. I suppose that those experiences which really stay with you are the strongest ones. I remember a few times being hit during a game of football, and I wasn’t very happy about it!

I also remember being taken to the headmaster for calling another child a bad name. However, I generally got on quite well with the teachers, I was quite successful in class, and even though I found it a struggle, I don’t think it was as much of a struggle for me as it was for a lot of the other children around me.

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