A Peacock Song. Part Three

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В индийском цирке похищен слонёнок Пончик. Львы пропали из своих клеток. Украдены клоунские ботинки… Банда орудует в городе! Преступники настроены враждебно и очень опасны. Следствие ведут опытные сыщики: находчивый и самовлюбленный павлин Криш, а также веселый бурундук Раджа, который виртуозно водит рикшу по пыльным индийским дорогам. Тигрица Кайра – вегетарианка. Она ведет здоровый образ жизни, обожает заниматься йогой и готовить фруктовые коктейли. Кайра поможет отыскать таинственного похитителя и вернуть слоненка в цирк.Во время увлекательного, но полного опасностей путешествия по Индии Раджу удается осуществить свою давнюю мечту – увидеть Тадж-Махал.Эта книга будет полезна всем, кто изучает английский язык. Рассказы способствуют увеличению словарного запаса, развитию навыков разговорной речи, а также быстрому и легкому изучению грамматики.В книге использованы иллюстрации и фотографии автора.

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“That’s perfect! I would never discover any trickery!” Oliver exclaimed and turned to Raja. “You’ve promised to explain to me the “The Colored Sugar Trick”! Do you remember?”

“What is it? The Colored Sugar Trick? Did I miss something?” Amita said joyfully.

“Where have you been?” Raja asked.

“I watched the street jugglers’ performance. Look what I’ve got!” she said, and showed them the new green and red clubs. “I must get ready for my performance when we come back to Jaipur. Oliver, will you toss these clubs to me in turn!”

Amita was juggling clubs gracefully.

“Take the red club over there,” she asked Oliver.

“I can’t. I’ve got only four paws,” the lizard said. Then he made a quick move with the tail and got the club.

“You’re so agile and quick! Your tail seems to have grown!”

“Really?” Oliver felt very excited.

“I’m sure. Let’s check the length of your tail with the measuring tape!” the juggler insisted.

“Don’t you know that lizards can grow their tails again after they’d lost them?” the old fakir smirked.

“Are you kidding? That’s impossible!” the lizard said and shook his head in disbelief.

“He came to Agra to find a magician who could make his tail grow. But we haven’t found one yet!” Raja explained.

“I mean what I say,” the fakir said in a soft voice. “I read about it in my school textbook in biology when I was a kid.”

He wrinkled his forehead and added, “Maybe, you don’t need a magician anymore! You’d better grab the book urgently to meet the lacks in your education!”

“My tail has become longer! Thank you!” the happy lizard hopped with joy. “I knew that the magician would help me!”

“Let me ask you about “The Colored Sugar Trick”. There is one part that eludes me.” Raja frowned.

“What part?” The fakir was interested.

“How does he hide the sugar cubes?”

“To accomplish this trick, the fakir had secretly prepared beforehand six small packages, each containing one of the colored sugars. He secreted them in his mouth, three in each cheek, in a prearranged order.”

“Why didn’t the sugar cubes dissolve in his mouth?”

“These cubes were enclosed in thin, waterproof edible fabric! The fakir could easily reach any of these packets with his tongue, bring it to the front of the mouth, break the fabric by pressing it against his teeth. He blew the sugar cube out in a perfectly dry condition!”

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