Never call me a spy. Part two

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В Королевском Музее Ювелирных Украшений совершено ограбление. Наряду с другими античными украшениями похищен Медальон Скарабея. Этот артефакт обладает невиданной силой и может повернуть время вспять. Расследование ведут лучшие агенты: пытливая и изворотливая летучая мышь, проницательный и мудрый крокодил, а также остроумный и находчивый сурикат, обладающий потрясающей интуицией.Отряд летучих мышей ведет преследование преступника с воздуха, но злодею удается скрыться. В городе, охваченном нестерпимой жарой и песчаными бурями, объявлен план-перехват. От жары страдают даже самые выносливые агенты. Одиннадцатилетний мальчик Колин и не подозревает, что секретные агенты будут стоять с ним в одной очереди за мороженым. Колина ждут захватывающие приключения в Национальном парке Рас-Мохаммед, погони на внедорожниках по бескрайним пескам, поиск похищенных артефактов, гонки на верблюдах и таинственные сурикаты-двойники, скрывающиеся в мангровых зарослях.

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“Derek, we’re going to Ras Mohammed! You’d better change the tires for sand! Where’s Notaspy?” Emma asked.

“He went to get Butter Pecan Ice Cream,” Derek replied.

“Oh, no! He’s always picking the worst possible time!”

Colin and his father dashed to their red off-roader to change tires. Emma managed to get the shovels. In an hour they returned to the spot and were ready to hit the road.

Notaspy had already been there waiting for them. His muzzle looked sad. The tail quivered slightly, questioningly.

“I thought you’d left me behind,” his voice cracked.

“That’s what you deserve,” Emma reproached him. “You must make a choice. Butter Pecan or the Scarab?”

“I hate Butter Pecan. I ran to buy a pack of onion chips.”

“It sounds odd…coming from you,” Emma noted.

“No time to waste,” Derek shouted, “I’m driving. Get in!”

“To the Ras Mohammed Gate,” Emma cried out.

They saw magnificent tangled mangroves at the costal line. The turquoise sea and the bright greenery were in complete contrast to the lifeless desert around. At first, they didn’t speak, awed by the experience.

“The water is salty, isn’t it? How can the shrubs survive?” Colin broke the silence, his eyes beaming with surprise.

“Mangroves grow in coastal saline or brackish water,” Derek explained. “They’re the only species of trees in the world that can tolerate saltwater.”

“The thief left a mangrove leaf in the museum, didn’t he? We would better examine the spot briefly in order not to miss any clue that could lead to the criminal,” Emma suggested.

“There’s no point in wandering in the mangroves for some vague hope. It may be a myth that the Scarab can spin time back,” the meerkat whimpered. “Let’s return to the city and relax in a cold bath! It’s not worth suffering in the heat.”

“Well, it feels like you’re purposely trying to slow us down. What has happened to you?” Emma frowned.

Notaspy complained, “It’s just the heat, I think.”

Colin cried out, “Look! There is…something over there.”

A golden bracelet was glittering in the sand.

“I bet it’s from the Royal Museum!” Derek alleged.

“The thief might have been here and dropped the bracelet!” Emma agreed with Derek.

“It gives no clue to the Scarab and the theft,” the meerkat grumbled. “A tourist might have lost the bracelet here.”

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