A Peacock Song. Part Two

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В индийском цирке похищен слонёнок Пончик. Львы пропали из своих клеток. Украдены клоунские ботинки… Банда орудует в городе! Преступники настроены враждебно и очень опасны. Следствие ведут опытные сыщики: находчивый и самовлюбленный павлин Криш, а также веселый бурундук Раджа, который виртуозно водит рикшу по пыльным индийским дорогам. Тигрица Кайра – вегетарианка. Она ведет здоровый образ жизни, обожает заниматься йогой и готовить фруктовые коктейли. Кайра поможет отыскать таинственного похитителя и вернуть слоненка в цирк.Во время увлекательного, но полного опасностей путешествия по Индии Раджу удается осуществить свою давнюю мечту – увидеть Тадж-Махал.Эта книга будет полезна всем, кто изучает английский язык. Рассказы способствуют увеличению словарного запаса, развитию навыков разговорной речи, а также быстрому и легкому изучению грамматики.В книге использованы иллюстрации и фотографии автора.

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Raja the Chipmunk and Oliver the Lizard enjoyed the superb view sitting in the Latika Café. It was located just opposite this gorgeous Hawa Mahal Palace. They ordered a masala dosa, folded around a mound of masala potatoes, as well as a strawberry lassi, and a banana shake.

“Why did the waiter bring a fork?” Raja smirked. “I always use my paws while eating! I don’t need a knife either.”

The Hawa Mahal Palace was sparkling, unreal, and glowing pink in the sunset rays. The sounds of singing echoed across the city, pans sizzling, and laughter rising.

“The Hawa Mahal is marvelous!” Oliver said. “I like its color. Why is it pink, I wonder?”

“The palace is pink because it was carved out of red and pink sandstone.” Raja explained.

“How many windows are there in the Hawa Mahal?” Oliver asked. “Why is it called the Hawa Mahal?”

“There are 953 windows!” Raja didn’t lose an opportunity to show off his immense knowledge on the subject. “The word “Hawa” means wind or breeze and “Mahal” is palace. So the Hawa Mahal is the palace of breeze!”

“Why are there so many windows?”

The Hawa Mahal

“I think the windows allow the breeze to flow through and help to keep the palace cool.”

“Amazing!” Oliver looked intently at Raja. “You’re a straight talker and a real friend. May I ask you for help?”

“Sure,” the chipmunk said, “I’ll try to help you if I can.”

“It’s vital for me to find a real magician! There are many frauds, just trying to make you believe in magic. I’m not good at distinguishing one from another.”

“To avoid fake magicians? Easy-peasy! You can rely on me. I can see their deceptive behaviors and hidden pitfalls!”

“Look, I’m going to Agra. There will be a festival of magicians there. That’s the only chance for me to find a powerful magician. Would you venture to go with me? I know that you’ve always dreamt of seeing the Taj-Mahal!”

Raja’s eyes beamed with excitement, but he hesitated with the answer. At last he said, “I’ve got to help Krish in this investigation. Then I may go. When is the festival?”

Oliver hopped with joy and said, “We’ve got a few days left before the festival. Let’s get back to our investigation. We have to find Donut and the lions!”

“I feel sorry for Amita. It must be so annoying for a skillful juggler to be an awkward and clumsy wooden doll! She needs a change of scenery. Let’s take her to Agra!” Raja said.

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