Space O. The English Translation

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам космическая фантастика, современная русская литература. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


An authorised English translation of a short-listed novella about David Bowie's composing one of his best-known songs, Space Oddity. This is a fictional account of a troubled musician meeting a troubled loader in a run-down pub in Beckenham in the summer of 1969 that led to a masterpiece song about love and space.

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I wrote the story “Space O” in Russian in late February 2021, upon learning about a literary contest dedicated to the 60>th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s flight to space. The contest was organized by Litres.Samizdat, a Russian platform for self-published authors, and Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency. It was shortlisted for the final and was eventually published in a separate collection of novellas by other contestants. Roscosmos eventually sent us a letter informing that the book had been added to their library.

As I was thinking about the subject for my story, I went through some notebooks but I did not find anything that would catch my attention. It had to be a short story or a novella. I began to think “outside the box”. I did not want to delve into too many technical aspects of space flights, nor did I want to populate the story with extraterrestrial characters. I wanted something creative, daring, and utterly humane. Suddenly Space Oddity came to mind…, and I wrote this story overnight.

This is obviously a fictional account of David Bowie’s composing one of his most famous songs, but I did some research for the fictional part. All aspects of the first three chapters fell together almost by themselves, I only had to write it all down. Along the way I realized that I walked the same streets in Soho, and I lived in Bromley, accessed from Victoria Station, for 2 weeks in 2004, so I was a regular at Victoria Station, too. The pub I depicted was a beer hole I visited once, but it was probably in Greater Manchester where I lived between 2003 and 2010. And I saw many loaders, like “Major Tom”, in my 7 years in England. After I submitted the story for the contest I decided to check when the first British person went to space. Turned out it was a woman, and her mission was mutually financed by the UK and the USSR, and it took place… on May 19>th, 1991. 30 years after the first flight. “Majors” had to wait for a long time.

This is a story about dreams – and what breaks them. It is about love and poverty – the topics that Robert Burns was very much aware about. It is about inspiration and thirst for life. And it is about the Earth and space – for “the whole space is about Earth.

Julia N. Shuvalova, January 8>th, 2022

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