Set a diary

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам научная фантастика, социальная фантастика, книги для подростков. Оно опубликовано в 2021 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


To overcome the disease, to find peace and harmony – everything that the main character craves, meeting new people and encountering memories that he would like to forget. He writes down the path of his healing in a diary and shares moments of his life with you.

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* The diary is installed, enjoy your use. *

Day 1.

Today is December 29, 2068, Thursday.

16:43. The diary was established on the recommendation of a psychotherapist for the purpose of keeping notes about my well-being. To begin with, you should make notes about yourself:

My name is Katsu Kunal, born on March 7, 2050, studied at the 7th stage in the class of the iconic image of a person, graduated from school in 2068, was enrolled by the education system in the institution of professional qualification as a teacher of logic and studied there until hospitalization, which occurred on December 25. At the moment, I am in the central hospital of 2053 in the psychiatric department with anorexia and suspected depression. At the time of hospitalization, my weight is 39 kg, and my height is 172 cm.

While at school, I attended a volleyball club and collected board games. and now I've lost interest in the things I used to do. I don't have any close friends, because I try to keep only business relationships.

This is enough to get acquainted.

Today for breakfast we were given vegetable puree, salad with chicken breast, herbal tea and a bun, I only ate salad, because of anorexia I eat every 2 hours 8 times a day, and it is tiring. I do not have time to go to my room after breakfast, as it is time to go to therapy to a psychiatrist, I return from therapy, I need to have a second breakfast, and after it begins a walk, then a snack, followed by quizzes or board games in the department. Only after lunch, during a quiet hour, you can relax, but this pleasant moment passes quickly, and you have to go to the second snack, take medication.

19: 38. I was signed up for volleyball so that I could quickly resume my interest in this sport. Now, due to my illness, I can only stand for the first 10 minutes, after which I begin to lose consciousness. I need to make more efforts to get back in shape, but I have no desire to do this, I would not even leave the room if it were not for the nurses.

In 28 minutes, one of them will come back to pick up for dinner.

22:13. That's enough records for today, I need to rest.

Day 2.

Today is Friday, December 30, 2068.

17:42. If Nurse Sophie hadn't reminded me of the diary, I wouldn't have remembered.

I don't want to do anything, but she won't leave me alone until I've eaten the broth or gone for a walk, and I need to thank Sophie tomorrow and play checkers with her. She likes it when I do "normal" things.

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