Лучшие смешные рассказы / Best Funny Stories

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам юмористическая проза, зарубежная классика. Оно опубликовано в 2017 году. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 978-5-17-104442-8. Книга является частью серии: Легко читаем по-английски.


Произведения Дж. К. Джерома по праву считают классикой английской литературы. Его рассказы известны своим тонким интеллектуальным юмором и оригинальностью образов. В эту книгу вошли лучшие из его коротких рассказов: «Следует ли женатому человеку играть в гольф?», «Почему мы не любим иностранцев», «Падение Томаса-Генри» и другие. Все тексты сопровождаются упражнениями на понимание прочитанного, комментариями и словарем, облегчающим чтение. Предназначается для продолжающих изучать английский язык нижней ступени (уровень 2 – Pre-Intermediate).

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© Матвеев С. А., адаптация текста, коммент., упражнения и словарь

© ООО «Издательство АСТ»

Should Married Men Play Golf?

People know that we Englishmen attach too much importance to sport, it is well-known, indeed. One can wait: some day some English novelist[1] will write a book, showing the evil effects of over-indulgence in sport:[2] the ruined business, the ruined home, the slow but sure[3] destroying of the brain, which leads to foolishness.

I once heard of a young couple. They went for their honeymoon[4] to Scotland. The poor girl did not know he was a golfer (he won her heart when his shoulder was broken). They decided to make a tour. The second day the man went out for a walk. At dinner-time he noticed that it seemed a pretty place they had found, and suggested to stay there another day. The next morning after breakfast he borrowed a club from the hotel porter, and remarked that he would take a walk. He returned in time for lunch and seemed angry all the afternoon. He said the air was good for him, and urged that they should stay another day.

She was young and did not know much, and thought, maybe, he had a liver-ache. She had heard much about liver from her father. The next morning he borrowed more clubs, and went out, this time before breakfast, returning late and even more angry than before. That was the end of their honeymoon. He meant well,[5] but the thing had gone too far.[6] The vice had entered into his blood.

Many people, I think, heard about the golfing priest, who was always swearing when he lost.

“Golf and the ministry don’t seem to go together,” his friend told him. “Take my advice before it’s too late, and give it up, Tammas.[7]

A few months later Tammas met his friend again.

“You were right, Jamie,[8]” cried the priest, “golf and the ministry are not friends, I have followed your advice: I have given it up.”

“Then what are you doing with that sack of clubs?” inquired Jamie.

“What am I doing with them?” repeated the puzzled Tammas. “I am going to play golf with them! Great Heavens,[9] man!” he continued, “you don’t think it was the golf that I’d given up?”

The Englishman does not understand how to play. He makes a life-long labour of his sport, and to it sacrifices mind and body. The health resorts of Europe draw half their profits from the playing fields of Eton

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