Scientific research confirms – 6

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру научно-популярная литература. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The book addresses the following topics, which have received further scientific support: ugliness in the world; origin of coronavirus Covid-19; impact of climate change on the environment.

Читать онлайн Андрей Тихомиров - Scientific research confirms – 6

Ugliness in the world

A non-viable mutant calf with a human-like head was born in Thailand. This is reported by the Daily Star. The calf has no fur, and its head resembles a human one. And the publication The Thaiger wrote that in Vietnam, during a difficult birth, an unusual calf was born. When the cow calved, the owners of the farm noticed that the fetus had eight legs, two tongues and three eyes. Its appearance resembles how the bodies of Siamese twins fuse. In Britain, a cow gave birth to a calf with a smiley face on its side. And a calf in India was born with a third eye on its forehead and an additional pair of nostrils.

"Leshii – (lesovik, leshak, lesnoy, lisun, lyad) – from the word "forest", people expelled from their tribe because of one or another deformity, which is very often observed in the animal world. Let's remember the tale of the ugly duckling. … In ancient Slavic pre-Christian beliefs, ghouls were one of the objects of worship (deification of ugliness): According to the Beginning of the Chronicle, the Slavs, first of all, worshipped Perun, offered sacrifices to "opirem and beregin". … Deformities – in ancient times, born freaks were either killed, deified, or exiled. The birth of deformed cubs is not common, but it is constant in both animals and plants, as well as in humans. For example, in 2007, a child with four legs was born in a village near the capital of South Africa, Pretoria. The disease, when a person is born with extra arms or legs, is called polymelia (from the Greek "many limbs"). The child was extremely unlucky, given that cases of polymelia are very rare not only in humans, but even in animals. A similar case occurred in June 2003 in Zambia. Then a woman living 300 km south of the capital Lusaka gave birth to a girl with four legs and three arms and an unusual liver structure. There are also cases of cyclopianism (from the Greek cyclops (cyclop) – "round-eyed"). Horned people – and such cases have been recorded, people's horns do not grow real, this is nothing more than changes in the skin – the epidermis, the skin "behaves incorrectly", taking bizarre shapes very similar to horns, they are removed, but they grow again, the reason for such genetic failures is unfavorable environmental conditions and heredity. And thick human hair, like in animals, is also a disease – hypertrichosis. This is a possible explanation for the unicorn (inrog), a mythical animal with a black straight horn on its forehead. One horn could be underdeveloped and therefore not visible, for example, in narwhals (unicorns) a powerful, spirally twisted left tusk sticks out 2-3 m in males, and the right tusk in the male and both tusks in the female are hidden in the jaws, only extremely rarely do they develop in males and females. Here we can also talk about atavism (from the Latin atavus – a distant ancestor), the presence of a tail and extra fingers (polydactyly), congenital fusion of fingers (syndactyly) and legs, multi-hairs (polymastia), etc. Dwarfs – gnomes (from the Late Latin gnomus – in the original meaning – possessing knowledge, gnomon – the oldest kind of astronomical instrument that gives certain knowledge), elves (English elf, dwarf, prankster; from German – elf, eleven), cobalt – a chemical element, the name from the German Kobold – brownie, dwarf; giants – trolls (in Scandinavian languages); brownies (various animals, for example, tarsiers or poppies brownies (ghosts), lemurs ("ghosts", "spirits of the dead", some lemurs fall into a physiological stupor during the dry season), dwarfs, freaks, invalids who could not hunt and guarded houses). Here, among various deformities, as well as animals, different peoples have different hobits, goblins, ghouls, ghouls vampires, kikimores (shishimors, maras (mary – mounds), in Russian folk beliefs – a female invisible baby living in a house behind the stove and engaged in spinning and weaving, perhaps crickets, spiders or other insects, in German Heuschrecke – locusts, literally – "hay horror"), etc. In addition, the coexistence of the human genus Homo sapiens with other species of humanoid creatures (hominids) has been scientifically proven. The tiniest horse in the world was born in 2010. in the US state of New Hampshire, the baby weighs only 2.7 kg with a height of 35.5 cm. It is noteworthy that the foal was not produced by a pony, but by a very ordinary mare. The previous horse record holder weighed 4 kg. Chimeras are creatures in which different genes (DNA) are artificially or naturally mixed and represent certain creatures. The deification of gorgons and chimeras can be observed on the pediment of Notre Dame in Paris" (Tikhomirov A.E., The origin of words and signs. The Science of Superstition, "Ridero", Yekaterinburg, 2017, pp. 19, 75, 150-151).

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