A lifetime ago. Comedy Drama

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам кинематограф / театр, пьесы и драматургия, зарубежная драматургия. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The story of one family shown in four generations. Love, friendship, choice, disappointment. Our heroes will go through everything and make their own reasonable conclusions, some of which are likely to surprise you greatly.

Читать онлайн Nikolay Lakutin - A lifetime ago. Comedy Drama

A comedy drama in two acts

The characters





Elizabeth (Lisa)







Action 1

Scene 1

Denis. Mom, Dad, bab! Drop all your business, please pay attention for a moment!

Xiang. Hello.

Denis. This is Xiang, please meet me. She's Chinese. She came to us to share her experience, works at our company. He speaks a little Russian. I haven't told you about her before, I wanted to surprise you. We've been dating for a long time, we love each other and decided to get married!

Nikolai. A....

Daria. Hmm…

Xiang. Autumn is pleasant to meet.

Elizabeth. This is for you for not being baptized!

Daria. Mom, don't push it! I… um… yes… it is… Pum-Pum-Pum… Pshh… yeah… Unexpected!

Nikolay. Well, welcome! Just in time for lunch. Set the table, Dasha! Denis, come on, come with Xiang, have a seat. Let's eat, talk, figure out who's who.

Half a century before that…

Scene 2

Fedor. Lizka? Liza, where are you? Oh, I'll find it, I'll kick my ass. Why are the dishes still not washed? What did I tell you to do?

Anastasia. Fyodor, why are you making such a fuss about her?

Fedor. Yes, what is it? Look out there! The dishes in the sink were still there. Liza! Come on, I say!

Liza. Why do I always have to wash? I washed it last time, now let Yasha wash it, or Katka.

Anastasia. Katya has been weeding since the morning, Yasha has brought water to the bathhouse, and picked herbs for the chickens. It's all about business, you're the only one doing nothing.

Fedor. You don't seem to understand much else, daughter. The fact that brother and sister are in business is one thing. There is another point that is more important. My parents said that's it! The law! That's how it should be! Do not dare to argue and bicker. The mother? Where is the belt, it would be necessary to flog the girl for the benefit of the common cause.

Anastasia. Okay, Fed, don't get mad. A girl, after all, and a little one too. She already understood everything. Isn't that right, Lisa? Do you understand?

Liza. Yes, I understand, I understand. I'll wash it now.

Fedor. You babysit them, Nastyusha, you love them painfully, but you regret it. And yet there is folk wisdom! And it says this: If you don't punish your children, you will be punished yourself! From! Not fools have preserved such a legend for centuries.

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