Manifesto of Dialectical Architecture

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам архитектура, дизайн, эстетика. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Dialectical architecture is an architecture whose aesthetical search is based on the desire to synthesize the parameters of the oppositions of architectural form, achieving plastic expressiveness in unity with functional consistency and social significance. The philosophical source of the concept is the dialectical philosophy of Alexei Fedorovich Losev (1893 1988).

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1. Architecture has overcome a huge path in history and is entering new frontiers. The XXI century is known for the a tsunami of architectural forms – such multifarious that it has become difficult to distinguish what is beautiful from spectacular, what is nobler – from the interesting. Already at the origins of modern architecture – a century ago – this led to the devalvation of the concept of beauty. But in its meaning, this concept has not disappeared. Without calling beauty beauty, every modern artist/designer/architect is looking for a form that is both meaningful and beautiful – in accordance with his creative credo.

2. The modern world is once again torn apart by spiritual and territorial contradictions. The spiritual identity of peoples and civilizations is not and should not be a uniform monolith. Just as every person has his own life path – his destiny, so every nation and every country has its own destiny.

3. Art and architecture are those areas of creativity where people with different worldviews can be united in understanding and feeling beauty.

4. Many previous creative and architectural manifestos are characterized by negativism – as a negation of the previous major style. Thus, modernism devalues the classics (remaining connected with it in a sense of proportions), and parametrism – modernism. Dialectical architecture considers the history of forms and the meanings behind them as a struggle and unity of opposites. In achieving such unity, synthesis becomes the key category.

5. In determining the criteria for a new architectural beauty, we can rely on the theory of dialectical synthesis of opposites. Dialectical synthesis is not only a well-known synthesis of the arts. This is a direct form-building synthesis of the opposites of the entire aesthetic range of the architect's creator's tools, given as a real geometric morphogenesis of an architectural composition in the expressive form of an expedient space.

6. The principle of synthesis as the principle of generating new categories from different and opposite phenomena and properties can be taken by practical architects into the arsenal of means of searching for new expressive compositions. The dialectical method has the potential to become key in the future development of general and applied theories of creativity and composition. Architecture on this path is a powerful source of inspiration and creativity.

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