Magic of numbers and astrology

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам детская познавательная и развивающая литература, астрология, научно-популярная литература. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Science does not believe that some numbers are "bad" and others are "good", but such an opinion exists in religious and mystical thinking. Back in the fall of 1975, 186 leading US scientists, including 18 Nobel Prize laureates, appealed to the public not to trust astrological predictions and recommendations. Currently, in the world of pure capitalism, the daily publication of horoscopes is growing like an avalanche. Astrology is completely devoid of any more or less scientific basis, it is nothing but pure superstition.

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The Magic of Numbers

Science does not believe that some numbers are "bad" and others are "good", but such an opinion exists in religious and mystical thinking. Let's try to figure it out. Let's take for examples the most famous figures that figure in religious and mystical thinking.

Why is "13" considered an unlucky number? Why do people call him the damn dozen? This sign was also born in ancient times. In ancient Babylon, a state on the shores of the Persian Gulf, the most remarkable number was "12" – "a dozen", from the Old Russian word "to squeeze" – that is, "be able", hence the ace of cards – from the French douze, the number 12 is divided into many numbers, and the next number 13 is not divisible by anything – it turns out "damn dozen". The Babylonians divided the year into 12 months. Their days were divided into 24 hours, or 12 double hours, every hour – 60 minutes, or 5 times 12. In addition, this number was very convenient for counting. After all, it can be divided into 2, 3, 4, and 6 without remainder. Therefore, it was taken as a unit of measurement. Quite unlike the "12" was the "13" that followed it. He could not be divided by any number except himself. That's why they began to consider him unlucky, a damn dozen. In 1307, on Friday, October 13, arrests of Templars (French – templars), members of the Catholic spiritual and knightly order, began en masse in France by order of King Philip the Beautiful. The king was afraid of a strong order, the Templars were engaged in usury, trade, were the largest bankers in Western Europe. This event became known in Europe, and therefore the consciousness that this day is unlucky was fixed in public opinion. Numerology believes that it is impossible to celebrate one's 40th birthday (the release of all waters from the body, the growth of hair, nails of the deceased does not occur immediately, biochemical processes are still taking place in the body – metabolism is going on, heat is released, hence the "marking" of commemorations for the deceased for 3, 9, 12 days), and each digit also it is sacred.

Apocalypse, 13:18 Wisdom is here. Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is a human number; his number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Allegories, reasons, comparisons. In many ancient peoples, including the Jews, numbers were denoted by different letters of the alphabet, in Hebrew words are read from right to left: nun (50); vav (6); nes (200); nun (50); nes (200); sameh (60); kuf (100) in the sum of the numerical values is given the number 666, that is, it turns out "Caesar Nero", Caesar – Caesar, emperor, the book of Podolsky B. "Practical grammar of the Hebrew language", edited by prof. Dolgopolsky, Tarbut Association, Tel Aviv, 1985. Geche G. in the book "Biblical Stories" writes (p. 300): "An example of how easy it is to go the wrong way in the process of "interpretation" is the number 666, symbolizing the beast that came out of the earth. "Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man; his number is six hundred and sixty-six" (13:18). This appeal has been taken very seriously for centuries. Considering that the letters of the Hebrew, as well as the Greek and Latin alphabets, have a numerical value, we tried to find out whose name is hidden behind the mysterious number. If the Greek version of the name of Emperor Nero is written in Hebrew letters, the sum of the numerical values of the letters will give exactly the number 666. Medieval heretics saw the embodiment of the "animal number" in the pope, considering him the Antichrist. The pope himself called himself "vicar of the son of God" (Vicarius Filii Dei). If this Latin expression is translated into the language of numbers, the result will be the same: 666. V=5 I=1 C=100 And R I=1 U=5 S F I=1 L=50 I=1 I=1 D=500 E I=1 112+554=666 Of course these calculations can be continued and, with the help of some tricks, prove that many names denote the Antichrist. It is quite obvious that the Revelation reflected the Judaic mysticism of numbers, because, according to the Judaists, the numbers 3 and 7 were saints. Hence comes the triple seven 777 as an expression of the holy of holies. If you take one from each seven, then you get 666 – the embodiment of evil. That is, 666 is a symbol of evil, godlessness, the Antichrist himself, who cannot be identified with any of the people").

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