Letters from beyond

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам остросюжетные любовные романы, современные детективы. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Former prima ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, who lived to be 100 years old in her Parisian home, shares her memories with a reporter from America. After her death, fatal events begin to occur with those whom she told about the location of the hidden treasures, and only the reporter manages to avoid the temptation to find these treasures, for which fate treats him mercifully.

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– Do you think it's right to torture an old woman?

Don't be afraid, Robert. She is alive. During the interview, he definitely will not die.

Robert, who was accustomed to the medical cynicism of his doctor friend, nevertheless exclaimed:

– She's almost 100 years old!

– So what? She'll catch a cold at our funeral. Ballerinas get sick a little. Life in motion is the key to health.

What's the point of sharing her past?

– Nu this, my friend, already your problems. Here you have to show your talent as a journalist. My business is to bring you together, well, then let your ingenuity work.

Robert shuddered, anticipating a difficult journalistic job. Marek sensed his friend's concern.

– You're not very shy. Recently, in addition to other ailments, she began to experience such phenomena typical of eldership as memories of long-forgotten events. Kshesinskaya may not remember what she ate during yesterday's breakfast, but she will accurately describe what Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich gave her for Easter 1905. Yes Yes! Do not be surprised. This is very characteristic of the senile brain, and you should take advantage of it.

– Shall we take my assistant? She will keep records.

– It's not a very good idea.

– In what sense?

– In the most direct. Matilda cannot stand the presence of girls of increased cuteness. Your assistant is a pretty chick, isn't she?

– Well, she has such a disadvantage.

– And certainly not an old woman?

– Years that way 23.

– You see now.

– But I need someone to write accurately.

– You'll get by with nothing. Remember – Kshesinskaya living history of Russian ballet, autocracy, revolution and emigration – in short, the primary source of everything that has happened in Russia over the past 100 years. She is the personification of an entire era. There is enough information in it for 10 reports.

They drove up to a luxurious house located on one of the central streets of Paris.

– Wow! – Robert raised his eyebrows, getting out of the car, – and the prima of the royal court in Paris was not in poverty at all. You told me that until recently she gave ballet lessons to rich Russian offspring. Why did she do this being a wealthy woman?

– For the soul, probably, – Marek answered evasively and added already quietly, – or maybe for averting eyes. Okay let's go to the house. I will introduce you to the person closest to Kshesinskaya.

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