Playing with the Sun

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам детские приключения, детские стихи, детская познавательная и развивающая литература. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The book “Playing with the Sun” includes several poems by Pyotr Nikolaevich Toburokov – the most famous Yakutian writer of children’s literature. This book is for preschool and primary school age children.

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Why does our sun shine?

To make our planet warm

Why does it get warm?

To make wheat grow

Why does it grow?

To bake a bread and bun

Why is bread baked?

To make my child well-fed

Why do I need to be well-fed?

To be strong and active.

Why do I need to be strong?

To drive the tractor,

To fly on a plane,

To swim through the sea,

To be a better man!

“Playing with the sun”

All day long

Whom we play with?

All day long

We play with the sun!

If we go to the field,

It walks with us as shadow.

If we walk in the wood,

It follows us through the trees.

If we stand backwards,

It warms our napes.

If we stand still,

It warms our cheeks.

Early in the morning

It calls to go outside.

Lately in the evening

It goes away, why?

“I want to be old enough”

I want to be old enough

To finally go to school.

My books and my notebooks

I promise will be good.

I’ll listen really carefully

To teacher’s every words,

Exciting and amazing things

Surely will be learned.

Oh, when will I be old enough?

To finally go to school,

To carry my new backpack,

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