The Psychology of greed

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру общая психология. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Good afternoon dear reader! I am glad to present my new book. In it, I examined the psychology of greed. I wish you a pleasant reading. It is published in the author's edition with the preservation of the author's spelling and punctuation.

Добрый день дорогой читатель! Рад представить мою новую книгу. В ней я рассмотрел психологию жадности.

Желаю приятного прочтения. Публикуется в авторской редакции с сохранением авторских орфографии и пунктуации.

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The psychology of greed is obviously an abstract concept, the purpose of this term is to understand whether greed exists in modern people? Is it bad or good? Let's start with a scientific concept. It is no secret to many that Abraham Maslow identified seven postulates of human needs. There are two main most important factors: biological and social. As you know, a person will not drink from a puddle, for example, since at the same time he will not be able not to drink, since he is biological. Such "dualism" flows into the biosocial needs of the individual. What is greed is the love of life, the desire of a person to provide not only his biological, but also social natural needs. And it is stupid to condemn it, especially to confuse it with the lack of spirituality of the individual.

I'll give you an example. The student wants to get a diploma. He passes on points for a free form of education. But in addition to studying, he wants to help his family, as well as provide for his socio-cultural and social needs, while not being cut off from society. And he enters the distance learning form, working in parallel. As a result, by the end of the university, he has a diploma, an internship (in one area and experience, and pension contributions in another), but he has connections, an understanding of the organizational system of the enterprise. This is not "just a hatched chicken", naively looking at the world – he himself is a cell of society. A person is an object of mass consumption, an "intermediary" between a "bidet" and, for example, "oatmeal with coffee". And to deny it is as stupid as the fact that without constant sex a person will have problems with the brain. You don't believe me?

For example, a person with an IQ of 260 died from brain ischemia, refusing "carnal pleasures". It's just as stupid to deny that exercise can relieve depression. Even boxers with a displaced vertebra with 1 have no depression if a person trains, defeats an opponent, putting all the anger into the competition. And anger for a man is normal, it is a source of testosterone, and, accordingly, an element of both IQ and EQ in a male individual. That is why girls are more prone to depression. They do not always have the will and strength, as we men do – the ability to do, for example, 10 approaches, and mentally send the evil–minded to the devil – they are more "finely organized beings" and this is normal. Without them, we men would not have the motivation (greed for life) to provide for ourselves, to realize our goals, and not just to talk about an abstract soul. It is pointless to argue with the fact that in order to get a license, to take English courses, you need to put your brains and earn somewhere. Money is not only an important equivalent that facilitates mutual understanding, but also an egregor for the realization of cultural, not just biological goals. And yes, before starting a family in modern society, you need to have a "safety cushion" – systematic profit-making, a separate "condominium" from your parents, even a room of 10 square meters (but your own: ownership), as well as an approximate understanding of what may happen in the next three years.

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