I wanna be enough for you, my love. Love Poems

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам пьесы и драматургия, стихи и поэзия. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Книга "I wanna be enough for you, my love. Love Poems." Морозовой О.В. сборник стихотворений на английском языке, написанные в разное время; проникнутые любовью, благоволением, страстью и желанием с невероятным ощущением, познания любящих друг друга: женщины и мужчины. Потери и скорбь связующее звено, дающее понимание того, что всё в жизни временно. Постоянны только надежды на лучшее, которые усиливают это ожидание.

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The main point is that negation

is an eternal pendulum of perfection

and imperfection of being; subject to reason,

our knowledge to comprehend…

The book "Love Poems" is a collection of poems written at different times, imbued with love, goodwill, passion and desire with an incredible feeling of knowing a point between the two lovers: a man and a woman.

Loss and grief are a link that gives an understanding that everything in life is temporary.

Only hopes for the best are constant, reinforcing this expectation.

Not worth the wait: you need to go forward all the time – together or alone. Fate separates two truly lovers without their consent: cruel and timeless. Putting all your will and strength into a fist, with tears in your eyes, with unbearable pain in your heart – you need to go forward otherwise fate will be unfavorable and will accept this recklessness as weakness.

Be persistent in life and fate will give you for your character and willpower.


Do you still remember me?

Do you still remember me?

Do you need my help again?

Do you want to be with me?

Do you want to be with me?

Do you feel my loneliness?

Every day to be with you

Every day to feel your heart

Every day to see your eyes

Isn't it the truly love?


You feel my loneliness – I know it

You need my help again

You want to be with me – it's holy true

You still remember me

Can you tell me where're you?

Can you send me any sign?

Can you come to me once day?

Can you be not far away?

Hardly you're nearby

Hardly you're looking for

Hardly ever meet with you

But I still remember you


You feel my loneliness – I know it

You need my help again

You want to be with me – it's holy true

You still remember me

So hard to realize

So hard to clear up

So hard to let you go

So hard to say 'Good bye'

But I think the time has come

But I have to let you go

But I have to realize

But I have to say 'Good bye'


You feel my loneliness – I know it

You need my help again

You want to be with me – it's holy true

You still remember me

We could never meet again

But I do remember you


I feel your loneliness – you know it

I need your help again

I want to be with you – it's holy true

I still remember you

I still remember you

Do you still remember me?..



Don't let me cry

It's too hard to

Forget you

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