Solo performance: Good and Evil!

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам социальная психология, пьесы и драматургия, зарубежная драматургия. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Psychological monodrama for Films and Performance

Narsha Bulgakbaev – writer and poet, thinker. Born February 16, 1999 in Kazakhstan, studied psychology, philosophy and religion. However, he was unable to complete his studies due to a «serious illness». But despite all this, he wrote several books, he became known among Kazakh and Russian readers, and his books were translated into several languages.

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All rights reserved.

Location: cemetery

Number of characters: 1

Spirit – the soul of a dead person

At the head of the grave

(Makes bird sounds, laughs after then, suddenly turn to people and listens to the ground)

– Wake up, you bastards! (beats the ground) How long are you going to sleep there?

(Searches around himself, approaches one of the graves)

– Drunk Nick, come out! You said, you weren’t going to sleep tonight.

– Remember how we made a fuss at work, when we drank a lot of water, and also got on the Internet. (Laughs)

– Drank our whole lives, and then we got here. (Points to a grave)

(Beats the ground)

– What are you doing over there? Do you drink there too? You told an angel yesterday that you were always against bottles, and the angels believed you, and you believed them, you fool. Not angels, but you are a fool! Well, sleep, then today is not your day.

(Rises, looks at other graves)

– And over there lies… I don’t know the rest of them well, so I won’t bother them. I don’t know why, but I’m the only one who woke up today. So, today is my day.

– Nick is sleeping, I don’t know about others. Who should I talk to today? With myself?

– I think I know, with whom… But first, one question.

– No one needed me when I was alive, and who might need me now?

– Since you’re all here, does that mean you need me?

– I can help you. Because I have something to say.

– I probably won’t have friends today, since everyone is sleeping, well, okay!

– I need you (indicates the audience of the performance), but of course you will still be bored listening to me, but I will not stop talking.

– Hey, Evil!

– Oh, Good!

– Hear me…

– Hey, Evil! I don’t need you. You’ve done me nothing but harm!

– Oh, Good! You are exactly the one I need… Let’s try to help people together!

– I have more experience, because, unlike living people, I know what will happen after you are no longer in this life.

– Don’t call me crazy, okay? Evil can bring you nothing but harm. It seems I already said that. Then you can call me a psycho. (laughs)

– Seriously, I have a conversation with both of you…

– Yes, Good!

– Yes, Evil!

– Do you agree?

– Not empty words, but true words. No matter how stupid it sounds, let’s try to solve the problem of humanity.

– But you must first find out who you really are. And to find out, you need to answer all the questions, WHY (loudly) did you become who you are now? You can already start… Probably.

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