The Laws of Life

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам современные религиозные течения, книги по философии, общая психология. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


After learning and mastering the principles and laws of life, your life will be full of happiness, love, freedom, confidence and money. But you need to understand that no one can give a false promise: "Only I can make you happy," because it is impossible to make a person happy, a person must learn to be happy himself. The purpose of this book is not only to think positively, but also to take another, correct step – to learn to think according to the laws of life.

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Do we have true thinking?

Thinking is divided into two: «correct» (based on the truth of the Creator) and «wrong» (based on inventing truth). It is important to recognize and understand this. And what is the truth really? The Creator and his Laws of Life, in other words, the Laws of Nature, that is, scientific evidence.

In order to make a change and adjustment inside, you need to assess yourself positively and adequately, and you need to understand that there is no difference between self-esteem and thinking, they are almost the same thing, and I don’t think it’s worth complicating psychology, you just need to take these words as synonyms. But still, I believe that Positive and Adequate self-esteem is the right thinking, Negative and Inadequate self-esteem is the wrong thinking.

But you need to understand: that only Positive thinking is unpredictable, changeable, unstable, temporary, and Positive and at the same time Adequate thinking is more serious and realistic. Positive self-esteem is a beautiful, inspiring tale, and True self-esteem is the achievement of real results, it is the understanding, acceptance and use of the Laws of Life for the benefit of oneself and others.

Don’t limit yourself to only positive thoughts. Remember that there is another way of thinking other than positive thinking. It is good to think positively, but since many of them are based on lies, this does not lead to perfection and true happiness. Therefore, positive thinking should be accompanied only by the truth. This is what «correct thinking» is. For example, in some problems, no matter how many positive thoughts, no matter how many positive emotions, you cannot change the external situation, because you cannot change the external reality without changing the internal reality.

It is foolish and ignorant not to know the «Laws of Life (Laws of the Creator)» in the game called Life. Truth gives true freedom, gives eternal freedom, therefore we must obey all the laws of nature (worldly) and invisible (so far unknown to mankind), created by the Creator.

If we want a joyful and happy scenario of life, everyone can get it, the main thing is to know the canons and principles (basis) of existence – this is the most useful knowledge for us, these are the Laws of Life (Laws of the Creator) that need to be mastered.

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