A bunch of short verses

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам современная русская литература, стихи и поэзия. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Здесь представлены короткие стихи на английском языке (четверостишья или катрены), которые были написаны в 2019 году и редактированы в 2022 году. Сборник сопровождается иллюстрациями, выполненными самим автором. Автор – художник, поэт и учитель Центра образования Богородский города Ногинска, выпускник аспирантуры МГОУ, член Профессионального Союза художников России, победитель и призёр международных выставок, резидент международного журнала Союза художников России «Русская Галерея XXI век». Педагогический опыт различных направлений с 1995 года.

Читать онлайн Александр Глухов - A bunch of short verses

I am Alexander Glukhov. My nom de plume is Leonardo.

Thee shot an arrow into the broken heart

To who you’ll send my amatory message

Thy carnal essence languishes in drought

Thine entity is yearning thoroughly for love

A host of lusty spirits swept into your ache

They will never return but it is only the play

Through victorious odour, scent his leas

And e’en more interesting speaking with…

Thoughtless by nature, will I wanna to be

Like a wildest savage with vigor and vim

Sweet lust is so sweetest on attic on high

Good morrow came…shall I do it with sorrow

To plough on through spanking clouds

One heart’s love seldom needs your void

Amongst thy beauty foliage expansion

I am quite weak but I’m so that is that

Dead not twitter – bird – I’ve seen on path

‘tis only ebony – goeth overwhelmingly into

Thru darkness we will fly into the blue

He who – you, my lone, my secret benefactor

Alexander Glukhov. Leonardo Medichi (self-portrait). 2019.

In doubt… – whether I shall…wait

By love, by night, by sea we’ll steer ship

And waived immunity in order fall in art

There is an affair d’amour – a vale of woe

Not one…amongst the host of dreamers

Such poignant scent is kissing hand to me

And overwhelming happiness and glee

Thine breeze yet whispering inside of me

Against the wanton principles of soul

A lot of times we wanna be obey

And thinking deeply through the gale

And speaking silently all day…

Let nature be your man against your wish

Upon my heart – I see the only flower on Earth

Such deep attachment – I am living yet

At once do touch your destiny with me

My humble hut – without Thee

Be bold as brass and devil lurks behind

In cloudland we will be dream apart

A native club of cock-and-hen-on mind

I’ll throw myself on knees before Your essence

However…time was fled away to bliss

And stay away in arms of Morpheus forever

For often in the rain I miss you so much

Among the living-wild-wicked beasts

I’ve had a dream of many sweetest lovers

Put on red cap – with only nature’s garb

Yet I am free – don’t care human hubris

We’ve never to be cuddled up together

The fittest creatures only live

I shall see blue light – through the distance

Sometimes we kiss, we love, we – thieves

All nights as such as this he sleeps

There are much poppies often grow

Thee so young – you are the best

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