Construction for dummies in Russia: save money and mind

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам просто о бизнесе, саморазвитие / личностный рост. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Greetings English-speaking readers! This book is mainly about how things are in the construction industry in Russia. It contains our specific Russian features in the legislation and the current situation in the economy. This book is about the problems that any person who decides to connect his life with construction will face, what problems that cannot be known from the outside, how to reduce possible losses, and also about whether it is worth working in this area at all. At the moment, I have paid attention to issues and problems in designing and budgeting, planning activities, issues of general legal knowledge that you just need to know in a minimal amount, as well as problems with staffing the industry and in general industry problems in general. I think a beginner in construction about all of the above just needs to have an idea before he decides to dive into it. To be continued.

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Greetings English-speaking readers! This book is mainly about how things are in the construction industry in Russia. It contains our specific Russian features in the legislation and in the current situation in the economy. This book has become a comprehensive expression of the experience that I personally, or my colleagues, had to face in practical activities in construction. I got into construction quite by accident, I have no construction education, so I immediately had to figure out all issues on my own and look for ways to solve certain problems, without having any theoretical ideas.

Nevertheless, for 10 years in construction, I managed to be a foreman, designer, lawyer, economist and PTO engineer, supplier, project manager, certification specialist, commercial and executive director, customer and contractor, and I have seen enough of it all from the inside.

Moreover, I saw those aspects of construction and those nuances that not a word will be said in a construction university, both pluses and minuses, as well as the most common problems.

This book will not teach you how to build, assemble structures, pour concrete or lay bricks, but will give you a more advanced understanding of building and doing business in this area, i.e. about matters no less important than the direct construction process.

All in all, this book should be interesting.

People who want to be builders;

Students and graduates of construction universities;

Ordinary people or specialists of organizations who want or are forced to be customers of construction work in order to build or repair something;

People who want to manage construction organizations and earn money from this activity;

Designers and VET workers (in terms of parsing constant errors in estimates and projects).

1. Problems of the construction industry with staffing. Causes, consequences, ways out.

In construction, there are two constant problems with personnel:

maintaining the optimal number of staff;

management of the composition and qualifications of employees.


1. Low predictability of work volumes

Much more factors affect the receipt of volumes of construction work than in other industries. For example, there is an Olympics or a World Cup – there is a construction site, no – accordingly, there is nothing to talk about. Only developers of residential complexes or districts have it easier in this sense, because they can plan the work as a whole and for 3 and 5 years ahead – but this is not more than 1% of the number of all organizations.

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