A very kind book of fairy tales about Tashik the bear

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам детская проза, сказки, природа и животные. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In this book there are three wonderful fairy tales about a little bear. Tashik the bear lives in the forest with his family. He is small, but very brave. One day, Tashik the bear decided to find a fabulous clearing with berries and got lost in the forest thicket. Tashik met a squirrel named Apricot and an old and wise wolf who helped him find his way home. Later Tashik the bear met a very strange boy on the bank of the river. The boy got lost in the forest and could not find his way home. They came out of the dark forest and saw the city where the boy lived. Now Tashik the bear and the boy are real friends. And last but not the least, a cold and snowy winter has come to the forest. The bear cub admires snow, snowflakes and winter. But that's not all! Tashik the bear learns for the first time what Christmas is, goes to visit the forest spirits, meets his old and new friends and makes the most cherished wish.

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Dedicated to my friend NaTASHA Larina.


Hope, Faith and Love are the three stars that guide a person, starting from his very first birthday. They shine, illuminating the path of life. Unfortunately, this path is sometimes difficult and thorny for big and small.


I've asked this question to myself and others a million times, but no one knows the answer to it. Basically, everyone throws up their hands and answers: no idea.

I wrote these fairy tales for all the children on earth. The only thing I want is for sick children to recover, and healthy ones not to get sick. And also that these fairy tales bring kindness, love and hope to everyone who needs them. These fairy tales tell about fear, about the important role of family and friends in the life of everyone without exception, about willpower and spirit, about the fact that you should never give up, but believe only in the best.


Without you, there would not be these three wonderful fairy tales that you inspired me to create. You are a real hero, just like in these fairy tales. I wish you health and strength for many years to come. You have a lot of good, interesting and important things ahead of you. I wish your projects to be successful, and new ideas never end.

With respect and love,


Tashik the bear was walking through the forest, stepping on a thick carpet of needles, cones and small berry bushes with his paws. The forest was big and dark, and the bear cub was very small. He lifted up his nose and sniffed the air to determine where his family lived. He went into the dense and dark thicket further and further away from his native, bright and sunny edge, where there was a house of his large and friendly family.

Tashik the bear listened and pressed his ears to his head. The terrible and black crowns of the trees creaked like giants with big spruce paws. A tiny bear cub ran up to the stump and hid behind it. A real thunderstorm was beginning in the forest and the bear shivered from cold and fear. The wind swayed the tall trees from side to side with terrible sounds. It seemed to Tashik that one of the old and thick pines would fall on his stump, which hissed and creaked like Tashik's great-grandmother. He closed his eyes with his paws and sobbed, wiping the tears from his small eyes.

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