Unlimited Confidence

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам книги по философии, общая психология, основы психологии. Оно опубликовано в 2021 году. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 978-5-532-94125-0.


The whole problem is that our faith is wrong and not true. In this case, there is no boundless certainty, instead there is an imaginary life, "Slave Thinking" and dependence. Nobody will tell you about this. Today's media, television, especially the Internet and social networks, do not tell you about the dangers of negative information, but rather propagandize the benefits of lying sold for money. They will attack your brain with all their might to get your attention.

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Who am i?

Wise people often ask themselves this question in order to know themselves, but in order to find the answer to this question, they live a lonely life for many years and completely renounce the world. I don’t think it needs to be repeated, and I am convinced that the answer is inside, it will definitely be found. But you need to search both externally and internally, but, first of all, the answer to this question was given to me by intuition (the unconscious part of consciousness), because I asked her this question all the time. I didn’t want to hear such answers: «I don’t deserve to be happy», «My deeds in this life are over», «I have lost and will never be cured», and I received the answer that the Creator wanted and I am infinitely sure of this: «You you deserve to be happy!»,» You will prove to everyone!»,» You will defeat this disease and be cured!».

Peace, mercy and blessing of God be with you. Let me start with the name of God! And let me introduce myself.

My name is Narsha, I am Kazakh! My profession is a general practitioner lover (I have invented such a profession for myself). I have no higher education, but I studied in the professions of «psychology» and «philosophy». But I had to leave the university not because I did not want to study, but because I had a «serious illness.» I have been fighting a very negative, unpleasant disease for 5 years, and I am very confident that I will win this fight. Because there is no incurable disease. Both the disease and its cure were created. This is my first book that I write in English. I hope you will treat it with understanding, since English is not my thinking language, my thinking language is Kazakh and I’ll say right away that the book is experimental, the main thing I want to check is how interesting people are with my thoughts and spelling. I will correct it in the future, if necessary.

About «serious illness»

Mom had a bad dream, then I got very sick a few days later, then life changed dramatically and I was diagnosed with «Bad Illness» (this was in 2017), and then I started hanging around with doctors, they have no mercy and kindness, and then I started to lose interest in everything. I moved from place to place several times and experienced many difficulties. I completely forgot about entertainment, that they exist in life at all. But for five years I didn’t just look at the sky. Despite all these difficult times (stress, depression, aggression), I understood the most important thing: doctors will not help me and no one can help me now.

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