The main scientific question of our time, what is «mass»? Series: Physics of a highly developed civilization

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Авторы книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам физика, прочая образовательная литература, научно-популярная литература. Оно опубликовано в 2021 году. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 978-5-532-97580-4.


At present, the concept of "mass" in science has undergone an undesirable evolution in favor of the prevailing theories of the XX century. In relativistic mechanics, this concept has become a calculated physical quantity and has lost its material content. In quantum mechanics, "mass" is stucking of the elementary particles in the Higgs field.

The true phenomenological concept of "mass" is the number of corpuscles of dark (negative) matter in a body, or in an elementary particle. "Mass" is another synonym for dark (negative) matter.

Читать онлайн Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko, Evgeniy Alexeyevich Tikhomirov - The main scientific question of our time, what is «mass»? Series: Physics of a highly developed civilization

The Introduction

In this book, we will follow the evolution of the concept of "mass", which is absolutely necessary at the moment, since this fundamental concept of physics has undergone an undesirable evolution in favor of the prevailing theories of the twentieth century. The concept of "mass" in the macrocosm has lost its material content and has become a calculated physical quantity. In the microcosm, the concept of "mass" has received full materiality, but not the same as in classical mechanics. According to these two transformations in concepts, the concept of "mass" was torn into "macro" mass and "micro" mass, which undermines the material unity of the world and leads to paradoxes. It turns out that the mass of a body is not equal to the sum of the masses of elementary particles of this body, "macro" mass, and "micro" mass in modern science have completely different physical meaning and physical properties. This nonsense is one of the paradoxes that led the science of physics to the fundamental and comprehensive crisis of theoretical physics. It seems that our right hand (quantum mechanics) does not know what the left hand (relativists) is doing at all; in science this is very bad. Recently, there has been a third direction of struggle with the classical concept of mass, and some theorists plan to banish this concept from physics altogether. The return to physics of the classical understanding of mass, refined and supplemented with information by a highly developed civilization, is now a task of paramount importance.

1. The Transformation of the concept of mass for the sake of theories

Perhaps there is no single physical concept that has suffered the most from the prevailing theories in physics, as the concept of "mass". At the present time, in our orthodox physics, everything that can be hung on our long-suffering mass has been hung on it. We now have mass responsible for inertia, for gravity, and for energy. Everywhere you look; we have mass, just mass and nothing but mass. That this is not the case, we have already found out earlier, when we considered the issues of gravity in the first issue of the physics of a highly developed civilization series "The Paradigm of gravity of Extraterrestrial civilizations" [1]. So the mass of the test body, consisting only of substance has nothing to do with gravity, for a round of the gravity of the test body is not responsible for its mass, but positive (light) matter, which is part of the elementary particles of this test body, which just has no mass. Thus, to bring final clarity to this question of the masses is extremely necessary. And it is unlikely that we would be able to do it ourselves without the information of a highly developed civilization.

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