The flight to New Wank

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам иронические детективы, зарубежная драматургия. Оно опубликовано в 2019 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The fact is, dear friends, that this story is not interesting destination, which serves as a village in one of the real regions of Russia with an entertaining name, and not even randomly gathered companies of people heading to this area. It is curious how paradigms and destinies of each passenger of the Shuttle bus change in a short one and a half hour trip.

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.

At the bus station of one of the cities of the Altai territory for twenty minutes was a small Shuttle bus. On the windshield of the bus was adorned with the inscription "Novodarino".

The bus driver was Smoking his fourth cigarette in those twenty minutes, standing at the open door, tired of long and frequent trips of the car, faithfully serving him for a good twelve years. There was only one passenger on the bus. A woman of about fifty. Driver, Stephen, several times throwing wary glances in her direction, and could not fail to notice her sadness.

Over the years of transportation Stepan met many views. A lot of joy, a lot of grief. Lost, happy, passionate, foggy, in love and hopeless, what views he has not seen enough of his career as a driver. Like this woman saw for the first time. Her sadness was something special. Usually people go to the bus, immediately sit down at the phone or open a book. On this route and a half hours, something to take time. Someone is sleeping, but mostly reading or sitting in gadgets. This woman had been staring out the window for twenty minutes without looking up. Maybe she didn't even blink, it was uncomfortable to look too openly in her direction.

– Thank God. How long till we leave? – out-of-breath voice asked a man of about thirty-five standing at the driver's door.

The driver calmly looked at him, made another puff and replied:

– Minutes forty still stand, waiting for.

– How forty? Are you? I have to be there in an hour! – pleading and uncomprehending eyes exclaimed guy.

Stepan carefully looked at the guy, made one last drag and tossing the cigarette, said:

– Two options!

– In terms of? – did not understand the guy.

Anything you don't need to be there in an hour or in a minute stuffed full bus and the bus engine increase two turbines. But I'm leaning towards the first option, ' replied Stepan.

Look, I gosh Katz, heard? I never expected anyone. And I'm telling you, I need an hour to be there already, in this, your Tracenine. Let me deal with the passengers, and you with the turbines, or the wings there, at the bus, at your discretion. U agree? – went on the offensive guy.

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