Russian as a foreign language. Russian stories with parallel translation into English. Book 1 (levels A1—B2)
Автор книги - Tatiana Oliva Morales. Произведение относится к жанру языкознание. Год его публикации неизвестен. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 9785005083098.
There are 5 Russian stories with parallel translation into English (the Russian text is in the right column, the English one is in the left) in the book. It is recommended to a wide range of people, starting from level A1 – you should be able to read in Russian. The beginners should practice reading skills and learn new words and idioms. At a higher level, you should not only read stories and memorize words, but retell the content close to the text. There are 1938 words and idioms in the book.