Золушка / Cinderella

О книге

Авторы книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам сказки, европейская старинная литература. Год его публикации неизвестен. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 978-5-17-114037-3. Книга является частью серии: Карманное чтение на английском языке.


В книгу вошли известные классические сказки, любимые многими: «Золушка», «Русалочка», «Кот в сапогах» и другие. Текст произведений адаптирован и сопровождается словарем. Предназначается для начинающих изучать английский язык (уровень Elementary).

Читать онлайн Д. Л. Абрагин, А. А. Пахомова - Золушка / Cinderella

Адаптация текста Д.Л. Абрагина и А.А. Пахомовой

© Д.Л. Абрагин, А.А. Пахомова, адаптация текста

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2019


Once upon a time, there lived a gentleman[1], who after his beautiful and kind wife died, married the proudest and meanest woman in all the land[2].

She had two daughters from a previous marriage who were just as nasty and haughty as their mother.

The gentleman also had a young daughter by another wife[3] named Cinderella, who was one of the sweetest girls in the kingdom.

Cinderella’s stepmother was extremely jealous of her beauty and charm and made her do[4] the hardest and most dreadful work in the house.

Cinderella did the dishes[5], scrubbed the floor and made the beds[6] while her stepsisters rested in their beds or had fun playing dress-up.

Now, it so happened that the King’s son decided to give a ball, inviting all the young ladies in the land to attend.

Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters were delighted and would talk of nothing but the ball all day long. They sent for the greatest designers in the kingdom to ensure that they looked their best[7].

Cinderella offered to help them get ready for the ball, for she had excellent taste, and despite how her stepsisters treated her, she always gave them the best advice.

As she helped them, the eldest sister asked, “Cinderella, are you not going to the ball?”

Cinderella sadly lowered her head and said, “No, you’re only teasing me because I have nothing to wear for the ball. Perhaps I could borrow something?”

“Lend our clothes to such a dirty Cinderwench[8]? We’re not fools!” And the sisters laughed cruelly.

When the big day finally came, Cinderella accompanied her stepmother and stepsisters to the Court and couldn’t help but burst into tears as she watched them enter the beautiful ball[9].

As she wept, Cinderella’s fairy godmother appeared.

“Cinderella, why are you crying?” she asked.

“You wish to attend the ball, is that not so?”

“Yes,” cried Cinderella, between sobs.

The fairy godmother smiled and said, “Well, run into the garden and bring me a pumpkin.”

Cinderella immediately went to get the finest pumpkin she could find.

When she brought it, her godmother struck the pumpkin with her wand, instantly turning it into a fine coach plated with gold and silver.

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