Nicholas II of Russia: little-known facts of life

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам исторические приключения, биографии и мемуары. Оно опубликовано в 2017 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In this book I have systematized little-known facts of biography of last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, related, in particular, the predictions and prophecies, which he has received during his life, and has built these facts in one time line – in result the surprising picture has opened. The surprising picture has allowed completely on new (completely on new is not exaggeration!) to look at a history of his reign, his character, a life and destiny.

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Nicholas II: the Emperor Who Knew the Fate

Here I systematized little-known facts of biography of last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, related, in particular, with the predictions and prophecies, which he has received during his life, and I have built these facts in one time line – in result, the surprising picture has opened. The surprising picture has allowed completely on new to look at a history of his reign, his character, a life and destiny. Nicholas II tried to overcome a Fate many times: in 1899 (the Hague peace conference); then (most decisively) in March, 1905 (an attempt to abdicate and to head the Russian Orthodox Church); and then again and again but he could not overcome the Fate. His attempts to overcome a Fate are the main essence and content of this book.

In 2009, the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio has released a documentary on my script, titled "The Emperor, who knew the fate" (directed by Roman Yershov) – about the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. The film won eight of diplomas and prizes at international film festivals (in Russia and Ukraine), including two awards for best screenplay, and the grand prize for best director.

The film on IMBd= .

Below I will first briefly tell of the film (synopsis), and then describe in detail the essence of real events in the life of Nicholas II, which are reflected in the film.

Absolutely all lines of the story are created on a documentary basis.

Much more details all the facts set out below are described in my big book "Emperor, Who Knew the Fate. And Russia, Who Did not Knew" (published by "BHV-Petersburg", 2011).


1891. Young Heir Nicholas during round-the-world travel in April, 1891 in Japan at will of a case meets known Japanese monk-eremite. The old man predicts to him and Russia a set of heavy tests at the next years and threat for a life within the next few days. Next day the Japanese policeman makes attempt to kill his.

1896-1898. In five years (at September, 1896, soon after a marriage and Crowning), during official visit to England, Prince of Wales shows him a horoscope for date of his birth, made earlier at the request of prince by famous English predictor (Louis Hamon aka Cheiro) who has already had time to become famous in Europe for the exact predictions to some political leaders and heads of state, ministers, other known people.

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