What is time? How and on the basis of what it is formed?

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You want to learn, from where undertakes, for what and how your own "now" is formed? Read further, and to you the mystery of own life will be revealed. Still about it only guessed. Now, having come to the key, you will understand for what you live and as it is possible to change the life. No fantasy will be compared to the paradoxes of reality opened and provided here.

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What is time? How and on the basis of what it is formed?

Key of secret of time

Chapter 1

Time as a condition of the finite in infinity for consciousness.

Infinity more or less strictly is defined only mathematically. The ordinary person cannot imagine sense of infinity, especially infinity of beingness. Obviously, it results not so much from scarcity of his mind, and it is rather, from limitation of the years which are released to him and impossibility to make period of life not so much as infinite, how many is at least a little longer in own beingness. And the person understands that not only to him, but also all mankind the end will come sooner or later. What here infinity! Whether it is worth making a fuss generally?

Nevertheless, it makes sense to address to concept of infinity which is often associated with eternally current time, at least because it is opposed to concept of finite, but is realized in it, not existing in itself. Really, in the world known to us it isn't watched anything infinite – even our Universe is finite. However it is possible to assume that universes can be infinitely many and that each of them doesn't appear from nowhere and doesn't disappear completely, and as if infinitely hesitates in time through inflection point, or a point of singularity. [1]

Such approach is quite laid down in concept, so-called, the potential infinity known since antiquity. The potential infinity is understood as the infinite sets of objects, as well as processes which can go unceasingly, i.e. without restrictions. However integrity of the infinite subjects and processes isn't considered.

As for actual infinity, the infinite objects and processes which can be uniform and integral, but non measurable are implied by it. Actually the infinite sets and actually infinite-dimensional spaces belong to the actually infinite objects in mathematician. Almighty God is presented to people as the same actual infinity. But insuperable difficulty arises in case of similar representation. It is connected to that if almighty being is able to execute any action, it can execute and action which will restrict its ability to execute actions. Thus, paradoxically, the omnipotence of God cannot be. This problem is discussed for a long time, but its adequate solution is still not found. On the contrary, Russell's paradox was formulated at the beginning of XX century. It is particular case of paradox of omnipotence. Besides, the omnipotence calls in question existence of the people possessing a free will that allows to declare about not controllability of their actions by the creator if, of course, he created them.

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