Section 2 The role of information in the emergence of the material world
The most challenging thing for a material person is to imagine the WORLD of non-material information, a space that does not exist in the physical sense. The world of information and information programs can be viewed as information that determines the physical and chemical properties of the material world. In other words, it is a bank of information created by the mind of the "CREATOR." Under the definition of "CREATOR," we can understand an intelligent, self-conscious information system that creates and controls processes in a specially created matter of space. The entire development of matter is carried out according to a predetermined program; however, it is characterized by intraspecies self-adjustment within the admissible limits. We call evolution. Unfortunately, humans are used to trusting only our senses (see, hear, touch…) and thinking finite and weighty categories. That is why we cannot imagine the WORLD of non-material information. But alas, our senses work in a particular range and are imperfect; therefore, contrary to our sense perceptions, we have to recognize the primacy of non-material information (program) in the technology of creating the material world. Show some common sense and ask yourself: how was everything in the Universe, including humans, made without a program and purpose? Imagine you must design the simplest thing, such as a chair. To do this, you must first create a drawing, determine the dimensions, select the material, and so on, and only then get the finished product. And here is such a complex product as the Material World?!. And how does it happen without a specific program?! I think you will agree with me that this is not possible. Thus, we must admit that matter, including the human body, is an information product and works according to a particular program.
Now, let us define what we mean by Information. If we turn to the Bible, then in the text, we will see that the "Word" was first said, and then the Material World was created in six days. The "Word" here means the information control program for constructing all the matter of the Universe, including all the matter of space up to humans. This program assigns to matter all its properties and architectural and geometric construction frameworks, starting from elementary particles, atoms, molecules, complex cellular organelles, cells, organs, systems, and the organism. This program contains physical, chemical, and biological properties according to which all forms of matter work. Electromagnetic and gravitational fields have been created, as well. Also, it should be added that the Information used in constructing the material of the Universe does not disappear – it is eternal. It exists at any point in space and can be read, recorded to any media, stored for further use, or transmitted to an address at any distance.