Little Bear and Other Stories / Маленький медвежонок и другие рассказы. 3-4 классы

О книге

Авторы книги - . Произведение относится к жанру сказки. Оно опубликовано в 2014 году. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 978-5-94962-268-1. Книга является частью серии: Young Readers' Club.


Перед вами добрые истории всемирно известных детских авторов для вечернего чтения на английском языке. Частые повторы лексики и структур помогают ребёнку легко их запоминать.

В сборнике представлены рассказы Э. Х. Минарик «Маленький медвежонок» и А. Лобеля «Филин дома» и «Мышиные истории».

Читать онлайн Эльза Хольмлунд Хольмлунд Минарик, Арнольд Лобел - Little Bear and Other Stories / Маленький медвежонок и другие рассказы. 3-4 классы

© Шитова А. В., адаптация, словарь, 2014

© ООО Антология, 2014

Little Bear

by Else Holmelund Minarik

What Will Little Bear Wear?

It is cold. See the snow? See the snow come down?

Little Bear said, “Mother Bear, I am cold. See the snow? I want something to put on.”

So Mother Bear made something for Little Bear.

“See, Little Bear,” she said, “I have something, something for my little bear. Here it is. Put it on your head.”

“Oh,” said Little Bear, “it is a hat. Hooray! Now I am not cold.”

Little Bear went out to play.

Here is Little Bear.

“Oh,” said Mother Bear, “do you want something?”

“I am cold,” said Little Bear, “I want something to put on.”

So Mother Bear made something for Little Bear.

“See, Little Bear,” she said, “I have something, something for my little bear. Put it on.”

“Oh,” said Little Bear, “it is a coat. Hooray! Now I am not cold.”

Little Bear went out to play.

Here is Little Bear again.

“Oh,” said Mother Bear, “do you want something?”

“I am cold,” said Little Bear. “I want something to put on.”

So Mother Bear made something again for Little Bear.

“See, Little Bear,” she said, “here is something, something for my little bear. Now you cannot be cold. Put it on.”

“Oh,” said Little Bear, “it is snow pants. Hooray! Now I am not cold.”

Little Bear went out to play.

Here is Little Bear again.

“Oh,” said Mother Bear, “what can you want now?”

“I am cold,” said Little Bear. “I want something to put on.”

“My little bear,” said Mother Bear, “you have a hat, you have a coat, you have snow pants. Do you want a fur coat, too?”

“Yes,” said Little Bear, “I want a fur coat, too.”

Mother Bear took the hat, the coat, and the snow pants.

“See?” said Mother Bear. “There is the fur coat.”

“Hooray!” said Little Bear. “Here is my fur coat. Now I am not cold.”

And he was not cold.

A Kiss for Little Bear

Little Bear made a picture of a monster.

“This picture makes me happy,” he said.

Hen came to visit.

“Hello, Hen,” said Little Bear. “Look, this picture is for my Grandmother. Will you take it to her, Hen?”

“Yes, I will,” said Hen.

Grandmother loved the picture. She was very happy.

“This kiss is for Little Bear,” she said. “Will you take it to him, Hen?”

“Yes, I will,” said Hen.

So Grandmother Bear gave Hen a kiss.

Then Hen saw some friends. She stopped to chat.

“Hello, Frog. I have a kiss for Little Bear. It is from his Grandmother. Will you take it to him, Frog?”

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