The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам зарубежный юмор, зарубежная классика. Год его публикации неизвестен. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


"Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" is a collection of humorous and entertaining essays written by popular English humorist Jerome K. Jerome. It was the author’s second published book and it helped establish him as a leading English humorist.

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The very dear and well-beloved


Of my prosperous and evil days—

To the friend

Who, though in the early stages of our acquaintanceship

Did ofttimes disagree with me, has since

Become to be my very warmest comrade—

To the friend

Who, however often i may put him out, never (now)

Upsets me in revenge—

To the friend

Who, treated with marked coolness by all the female

Members of my household, and regarded with suspicion

By my very dog, nevertheless seems day by

Day to be more drawn by me, and in return

To more and more impregnate me with

The odor of his friendship—

To the friend

Who never tells me of my faults, never wants to

Borrow money, and never talks about himself—

To the companion

Of my idle hours, the soother of my sorrows,

The confidant of my joys and hopes—

My oldest and strongest


This little volume


Gratefully and affectionately



One or two friends to whom I showed these papers in MS. having observed that they were not half bad, and some of my relations having promised to buy the book if it ever came out, I feel I have no right to longer delay its issue. But for this, as one may say, public demand, I perhaps should not have ventured to offer these mere “idle thoughts” of mine as mental food for the English-speaking peoples of the earth. What readers ask nowadays in a book is that it should improve, instruct, and elevate. This book wouldn't elevate a cow. I cannot conscientiously recommend it for any useful purposes whatever. All I can suggest is that when you get tired of reading “the best hundred books,” you may take this up for half an hour. It will be a change.

On being idle

Now, this is a subject on which I flatter myself I really am au fait. The gentleman who, when I was young, bathed me at wisdom's font for nine guineas a term– no extras– used to say he never knew a boy who could do less work in more time; and I remember my poor grandmother once incidentally observing, in the course of an instruction upon the use of the Prayer-book, that it was highly improbable that I should ever do much that I ought not to do, but that she felt convinced beyond a doubt that I should leave undone pretty well everything that I ought to do.

I am afraid I have somewhat belied half the dear old lady's prophecy. Heaven help me! I have done a good many things that I ought not to have done, in spite of my laziness. But I have fully confirmed the accuracy of her judgment so far as neglecting much that I ought not to have neglected is concerned. Idling always has been my strong point. I take no credit to myself in the matter– it is a gift. Few possess it. There are plenty of lazy people and plenty of slow-coaches, but a genuine idler is a rarity. He is not a man who slouches about with his hands in his pockets. On the contrary, his most startling characteristic is that he is always intensely busy.

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