The Freedom

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам научная фантастика, мистика. Оно опубликовано в 2025 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In this book, I describe my exit from the mortal body to the freedom of flight, and also reflect on the fact that freedom and loneliness always go hand in hand.

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Wednesday has arrived – a great day for workaholics, whose slogan in life is "Truth in work," called the day off, which I will spend in great laziness.

I don't want to do household chores. Devastation is everywhere: in the kitchen and in the heads. The drops of a broken faucet clatter loudly against a bucket, reminding you "Time has passed."

The weather is ideally chosen for your vacation. Indian summer has arrived in Moscow. The crowns of the trees are covered with crimson. The heavy golden foliage dropped by the trees rustles underfoot. Belated flowers delight passersby with bright colors. Oh, it would be nice to have a cup of coffee on the veranda of the summer cafe…Stop for a moment, you're beautiful!

The children are workaholics at school, the workaholic husband preserves the cottage for the winter. There is no one to cook breakfast for.

I'm starting to pack up. A woman stared at me from the mirror of the dressing table, pleading for a chance to sleep in her eyes. The expression in his eyes was enhanced by the pallor of his skin.

Doctors tormented me with tips on how to lower cholesterol. And I need everything at once.

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