Karma's code

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам учебная литература, астрология, эзотерика / оккультизм. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The book "Karma's code" is an opportunity to start studying Vedic numerology and astrology, to learn more about yourself, your purpose, to understand the root of problems with the people around you, and partners. With the help of the book, you can fully view not only your horoscope but also the horoscope of any other person.

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Who among us hasn’t asked themselves questions like: why am I here, what is the meaning of life, what is my mission, and why do some people struggle with their personal lives? Vedic astrology, as well as Vedic numerology, can provide answers to these questions and help reveal what is hidden. With their help, one can understand what their purpose is, what hinders relationships with the opposite sex, and what causes problems with children and others. Vedic knowledge aids in solving these issues.

Part 1: Karma’s Code

The ancient astrologers of India created a unique system that can answer many questions that interest a person. Today, this system is known as Vedic or Indian astrology, but its true name is Jyotish. Jyotish shows that a person’s birth and all the events in their life are not accidental but are the result of their actions in the past, which represent their karma – destiny.

A Vedic horoscope allows one to trace specific events in a person’s life and understand why some events do not happen. It helps in understanding where one can best realize themselves, when they might marry, and how to assess their compatibility with a partner and their relationships with others.

Vedic numerology also helps in solving these questions. It allows one to determine a person’s karma based on their birth date. Vedic or Indian numerology is different from other numerological systems.

In Vedic astrology and numerology, nine planets are used, and each planet corresponds to one of the numbers from 1 to 9. To determine the karma a person carries in this life, it is enough to determine two numbers based on their birth date. The first number is called the Soul Number, and the second is the Destiny Number. The Soul Number represents what a person was born with, what they brought from a past life (both good and bad actions, as well as everything that happened to them). The Destiny Number represents the purpose for which they were born, what they must accomplish in this life, and what they must achieve by the end of it.

Let’s take the birth date 15.09.1991 as an example.

We add up the numbers of the birth day. Here it is 15.

1 + 5 = 6

Thus, we get the first number, the Soul Number. It is 6.

Now, let’s calculate the second number, the Destiny Number. For this, we add all the digits of the full birth date until we get a single digit.

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