A collection of fairy tales to read before bed

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам сказки, детские приключения, зарубежные детские книги. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


From brave princesses and clever animals to magical kingdoms and daring quests, A Collection of Fairy Tales to Read Before Bed offers a delightful journey through the timeless world of storytelling. This carefully curated anthology features a diverse selection of tales that will captivate readers of all ages, making it the perfect addition to any bedtime routine.

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Harvey Hare's Amazing Adventure with the Magic Mirror

In a faraway forest, all sorts of animals and birds lived together in harmony. They were friends and always helped each other in times of need. But one day, an evil queen came to the forest. She wanted to rule over all living things and cast a spell on the forest, turning everyone into her servants.

However, not everyone fell under her spell. Among them was a little bunny who knew how to hide from the evil queen and her guards. He decided to save his friends and bring freedom back to the forest. He set off on a dangerous journey through the woods to find a way to break the spell.

Along the way, he met many interesting characters: a kind fairy who gave him a magic carrot, a brave eagle who taught him to fly, a wise owl who told him the secret of the evil queen, and many others.

Finally, he reached the evil queen's castle and faced her. She tried to charm him with her beauty and promises, but he didn't believe her and threw his magic carrot at her. The carrot turned into a giant asteroid and smashed the castle to pieces.

The spell was broken, and all the forest dwellers regained their freedom. The bunny became a hero and earned the respect of everyone. He returned to his friends and told them about his adventures.

The next day, the bunny and his friends decided to visit the ruins of the evil queen's castle. They wanted to make sure she was gone for good and wouldn't threaten the forest again. They walked through the empty halls and rooms where the evil queen once lived.

In one of the rooms, they found a large mirror that was intact and undamaged by the asteroid. The bunny approached it and looked at his reflection. He saw himself in royal clothes and with a crown on his head. He heard a voice from the mirror:

"Greetings, my new master. I am the magic mirror that served the evil queen. Now you are the only one who can use my magic. You can ask me to fulfill any wish."

The bunny was surprised and intrigued by this offer. He thought about what he could do for himself and his friends with the magic mirror. He asked, "What can you do?"

"I can show you any picture from the past or future, I can transport you to any place or time, I can change your appearance or the appearance of other creatures, I can give you any knowledge or abilities… In short, I can do anything."

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