The road of healing

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру стихи и поэзия. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In this book you can find poems and thoughts of a young woman through her healing journey.

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‘The road of healing’ by Miss Ann

I always imagine myself as a warrior:

Me vs the world (people who hurt me, my past, my insecurities).

You never know where you will be hit next,

Because they wear masks, they show themselves as your friends and mentors

Giving you advice to follow the “right” and “safe” way

Even if it keeps your pain repeating itself over and over again.

My constant resistance makes me tired but aware,

Like they will hurt me no more.

But the only thing I want is detachment.

I don’t wanna fight, I accept my pain,

I’ve learnt from it, that’s all in the past.

I am already strong enough to protect myself,

So my indifference and calmness scare them away

Because it’s not under their control anymore


When illusions fade away, you look inside yourself,

You study yourself and you enjoy that you’re complete.

You understand that everything which you were held to is

Just a product of your imagination,

Your illness but not love.

Because true love inspires and supports,

It doesn’t hurt and betray.

Your healing process may be slow but worthy.

The happiness which you reach on your way is precious

Now as you know what you want to fight for.

For the first time in your life

You stop waiting and start living.


Sometimes I think that I feel too much,

It’s almost unbearable.

Love, happiness, passion, sorrow, anger, anxiety –

It covers me like a wave:

My body hurts, my head is about to explode

And I’m always afraid I’m gonna lose myself and get crazy.

Sadness makes my heart heavy,

It’s even hard to breathe.

At these moments I imagine it would be endless

Like I’m drowning in this darkness.

But the storm slows down, my ocean becomes calm,

I wake up and I can see things clearly.

I always come back to my harbor stronger than before.

The process is not fast,

From time to time, I even think that God forgot about me

But it just takes patience.

‘Do not force anything, let things just be’ –

A lesson I must learn on a way of defeating my irrationality.


Once I thought I ran out of tears.

They were coming out over and over again,

It felt infinite and then stopped: why am I doing this to myself?

Why do I constantly torture myself going down to the hell

Which I created? Will it ever end?

Sometimes we become addicted to our pain.

And when it goes away, we choose to put ourselves on the same road.

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