
О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам книги о приключениях, боевая фантастика, боевое фэнтези. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Alexander Pototsky started writing books at the age of 16. He still studies at school, but also enjoys programming and learning English and Chinese. He draws interesting ideas for his books from personal observations as well as from the plots of his favourite computer games. The author's rich imagination creates his own world full of adventures and exciting events. The inspiration for this book was the game Kenshi. The main character, Rust, and his loyal friend, Scrap the dog, go on a long journey full of dangers. Their amazing adventures will not leave anyone indifferent, because their friendship and loyalty inspire hope that good will win. In the future Alexander Pototsky plans to write on more complex topics, on which you can think, as well as to create new fantasy worlds in his books.The author believes that the creation of books gives unlimited potential for creativity. After all, you can create stories that bring people joy.

Читать онлайн Александр Потоцкий - Rust

In the harsh wastelands of Arach, where the sun blazed mercilessly and the winds whispered tales of survival and despair, there lived a poor soul named Rust. Rust was a man weathered by life's unforgiving trials, his existence a testament to endurance in a world that showed no mercy.

Accompanying Rust in his solitary journey was his faithful companion, a mongrel named Scrap. Scrap was more than just a dog to Rust; he was his only friend, his constant source of companionship in a world where trust was a rare commodity. Together, Rust and Scrap wandered the desolate lands of Arach, scavenging for whatever morsels of sustenance they could find amidst the ruins of civilization. They eked out a meager existence, barely surviving from day to day, yet clinging onto hope with a tenacity born of desperation. But fate had a way of testing even the strongest of spirits, and Rust's resolve was soon to be challenged in ways he could never have imagined. One fateful day, while foraging for scraps amidst the rubble of a ruined city, Rust stumbled upon a discovery that would change the course of his life forever.

Hidden amidst the debris, he found a peculiar artifact – a rusted, ancient blade, its edges still sharp despite the passage of time. Intrigued by his find, Rust cautiously picked up the blade, feeling a strange sense of power coursing through him as he held it in his hands. Little did Rust know, the blade he now possessed was no ordinary weapon; it was a relic of a bygone era, imbued with mysterious energies that whispered secrets of a forgotten past. As Rust and Scrap continued their journey, they soon found themselves drawn into a web of intrigue and danger, as factions vied for control of the artifact that Rust unwittingly wielded.

With Scrap by his side and the ancient blade in his hand, Rust would navigate the treacherous landscapes of Kenshi, facing adversaries both human and inhuman, as he sought to uncover the truth behind the artifact's power and unlock the secrets of his own destiny. And thus, their tale began, a saga of survival, friendship, and the enduring spirit of hope amidst the ruins of a broken world. With a glimmer of hope shining in their eyes, Rust and Scrap set out on their journey towards Techhunter City. The decision to leave their familiar surroundings behind was not made lightly, but the promise of a fresh start and the opportunity to earn some khat was too enticing to ignore.

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