How to sell your paintings?

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам техника продаж, изобразительное искусство. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Selling your paintings online, sooner or later, you will figure out all the technical aspects. And you will get tired of the endless number of websites, theories, reviews, articles, galleries, promises, and offers. But you won't get answers to your questions about what to do in your specific situation. And how it relates personally to you. It's discouraging, isn't it? That's exactly what this collection of the most popular posts from an art dealer during 2017-2021 in a closed community for supporting artists and sculptors is about. The main topic of discussion in this group, starting with online sales of paintings and sculptures. Impressions, stories, reflections, comments. Chapters can be read in any order. The complete updated version based on "How to Sell Paintings – 1" and "How to Sell Paintings – 2".

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How everything is arranged here

You're an artist or a sculptor who sells their works online. Whether you have a professional education or not doesn't matter. What matters is that you persist and continue.

Perhaps you'll recognize yourself or your colleagues here:

– I'm an amateur, without any artistic education.

– I no longer believe that you can sell a painting for a decent price…

– My personal comparison with the works of other artists.

– I can't determine the price range for this type of artwork.

– There are few criteria to base my prices on.

– I live in a small town, what about you…

– It's difficult to evaluate myself and my work.

– I don't understand? What else should be added to the price besides the cost of materials?

– Artistic value. Does it exist or not?

– Just so they won't ask questions!

– I have my own technique, unique handmade paintings.

– The problem is with the buyers – they always want it twice as cheap!

– It's scary to ask for too much.

– Can I somehow get a percentage of the sales?

– Will my paintings sell?

– Is there demand for pastels?

– It's frustrating to ask too little for a large amount of invested effort. Maybe I'm overestimating or underestimating. Am I overpriced or underpriced?

– I'm a beginner artist. I'm afraid of competition with the pros.

– What's trendy to paint nowadays?

– I don't have a painting education, but I do have complexes and insecurities.

– I'm hesitant to name a price, I'm not a professional.

– I don't consider myself a professional.

– Buyers say my paintings are too expensive.

– How to send a package with a painting?

Selling your paintings online, sooner or later, you'll figure out all the technical aspects. And you'll get tired of the endless number of websites, galleries, promises, and offers. But you won't get answers to your questions about what to do in your specific situation. And how it relates to you personally often remains unclear. It's discouraging, isn't it?

That's exactly what this collection of posts from the group and articles from the blog is about. The most popular and discussed ones from 2018-2021. It all happened in a closed community to support artists and sculptors, on a popular network. The main topic of discussion in this group since 2017 has been the online sale of paintings and sculptures on various platforms and social networks.

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