Buddha's Return

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам остросюжетные любовные романы, короткие любовные романы, современная русская литература. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Everyone loves and is loved. Many of them do not know that they will die someday, where and how they will be buried… Those who see all aspects of life do not analyze living. Death itself gives them a price. But does every person get the price he deserves? The author tries to find answers to these questions together with his readers in his short novel that sheds light on many issues…На обложке фото автора.

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Captain Masud Ibrahimzade looked at the painted reproduction of Taj- Mahal palace which was hung on the wall of his working room. He was again dreaming about those far years…

The bank of the river Jamna. The pearl of India, a miracle, the length of which is seventy four meters, Taj- Mahal palace. Four small and one huge dome built of white marble seem much whiter against the background of the blue sky. Millions of people from different parts of the world visit India to witness this miracle with their own eyes.

The guide girl with smile on her face was narrating the story of Taj- Mahal to tourists gathered at the palace.

…This palace touches the hearts not only like an architectural memorial but also with a love story behind it resembling the tales of one thousand and one night.

Jahan Shah who lived in the XVII century married to the most beautiful nineteen year old girl Mumtaz Mahal.

Like each Eastern ruler who respected himself, Jahan Shah also had his own harem. But he fell in love with Mumtaz Mahal and he didn’t want to see any woman except her. The French philosopher and traveler Fransua Berne who lived in India for about twelve years wrote in his diary that Mumtaz Mahal was like the heart of Jahan Shah, the Shah trusted only her.

Mumtaz Mahal was always side by side with her husband during military marching and journeys to distant countries.

They lived together seventeen years, they lived a happy life. From that happy marriage they had eight sons and six daughters. The most beautiful girl of the world Mumtaz Mahal suddenly died near Burhanpur after giving a birth to the fourteenth child.

Jahan Shah was distraught with grief, the life lost its meaning for him. Shah was down in the dumps, his hair became gray. He declared two year mourning in the country.

Six months passed after Mumtaz’s death. The Shah decided to perpetuate her memory and with this purpose he brought his lovely wife’s grave from Burhanpur to Agra. In India, during the rulership of the Great Moghuls, Agra like Delhi was considered the capital of the empire.

Taj- Mahal palace was built within twenty two years. Two thousand people were involved in construction of the palace, marble used for building of the palace was brought from three kilometer’s distance, from Rajputan quarry. An architect from Shiraz, Isa Khan justified the hopes of grieving Jahan Shah – the white minarets of Taj- Mahal palace shone glittering like gold under the beams of the hot south sun. The interior of the palace was decorated with the graceful eastern ornaments, with the nabati designs. The irreplaceable attributes of the Moslem architecture – the ayahs of Holy Koran, were engraved on the walls of the palace

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