Sincerely About Us. Искренне о нас

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам саморазвитие / личностный рост, биографии и мемуары. Оно опубликовано в 2024 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The English version and the Russian version. The most beautiful and important moments in life are those we share with other souls in human bodies. Since I have never been able to gather all of my dearest people in one place, I figured why not gather them under the cover of one book and introduce them to each other? This is also a way of sharing my deep feelings of appreciation toward each truly significant person I have met, as well as my thoughts on life, loss, love, and friendship. Happy reading! Версия на английском и на русском. Самые прекрасные и важные моменты в жизни всегда те, что мы разделяем с другими душами в человеческих телах. Поскольку мне никогда не удавалось собрать всех самых дорогих мне людей в одном месте, я подумала, почему бы не собрать их под обложкой одной книги и представить их друг другу. Это также способ выразить мою признательность всем по-настоящему значимым для меня людям, а еще поделиться мыслями о жизни, утратах, любви и дружбе. Приятного чтения!

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To the loving memory of Natasha who was one of the most creative and genuinely artistic people I’ve ever known and whose example showed me that I, too, could actually express myself in any way possible.

To my soul friends scattered all around the world: those I have already crossed paths with and those I am yet to meet.


“There are few things more powerful in the Universe than memory and connection.” – Oliver Queen to Barry Allen in Arrow

“Family isn’t just the people that you grew up with. It’s the people you find, the ones you love, ones that make you crazy, make you smile.” – Barry Allen to Sara Lance in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

“I guess when you're young, you just believe there'll be many people you'll connect with. Later in life you realize it only happens a few times.” – Celine in Before Sunset

I think our souls really rejoice when we get to truly connect with another human being.

Although there are billions of people on this planet, we don’t get to see most of them because we’re not supposed to bond with all of them on a meaningful level. And it could be for various reasons which don’t necessarily mean that most of these people are bad for us. It only means we are not supposed to and cannot click with everyone.

We’re all very different, we all have different personalities that are not compatible with everyone around us. And it’s fine. It’s even great because it makes those instances when we recognize “our” person, creating that first thread of connection between us and another human, so much more special. Moreover, way too often these special moments don’t happen in grand settings but rather they are very fleeting, and if we don’t pay enough attention, they may pass us by without leaving any trace in our life and memory.

However, if and when we are mindful, suddenly a word, a scar, a smile, or an image bursts something bright in us into existence. This is pure magic to me. A second ago we might know next to nothing about this person but then BOOM! – we’re bound for life: as life-long friends, as a student and a teacher, as lovers, as travel buddies… We may not even realize it yet – or ever at all – but there’s a powerful invisible thread of energy, of instant recognition, of love and trust woven between our hearts and our eyes.

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