The Forgotten World

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам героическое фэнтези, детские приключения. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


This exciting fantasy book tells the story of Jake, an ordinary man who accidentally opens access to the wonderful world of Earthlings. In this world, he meets creatures with bright skin, magical abilities and ready to help a new alien.Traveling through this world, Jake makes new friends: fairies, water nymphs and mountain trolls. He learns magic, art and wisdom of this world, discovering unique abilities in himself. But his adventures are not limited to exploring beauty and magic, they bring him an understanding of his true purpose.When a dark threat begins to rise in the world of Earthlings, Jake realizes that he is the key to saving this world. The battle for harmony and peace is unfolding, and Jake and his allies are ready to stand up for her.The book immerses the reader in the world of magic, friendship and adventure, telling about the search for the meaning of life and its true purpose. She reminds us that even ordinary people can become heroes and change the world.

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Chapter 1

For Jake, life has always been a routine. He woke up every morning, went to work in the gray office walls, performed the same tasks, returned home and spent the evenings in front of the TV. His days flowed one after another, like an endless stream of monotony. Jake had always dreamed of something bigger, but he had no idea what it could be.

However, one day, on that rainy evening, when he decided to take a walk in the park, his life changed radically. It was raining like a bucket, and the streets were empty. Jake put on his old rain jacket and left the house. He had an umbrella at hand, and he walked along the wet sidewalks, feeling the raindrops that beat rhythmically on him.

When he came to the park, he found that the usually busy place was completely empty. The trees bent under the load of water, and the paths turned into rivers. Jake walked slowly forward, thoughtfully looking at the reflection of the lights of the street lamps in the water.

It was at that moment when he was crossing a small bridge that something unusual happened. At first, Jake thought his imagination was playing tricks on him. He blinked to dispel the vision, but then something happened that made his heart hurry. The clouds parted, and a portal opened in front of him, like a window into another world. Bright rays of light radiated from this portal, creating a magical aura. Jake felt like a whirlwind of power was taking him inside, and he couldn't resist. His arms and legs became as light as a feather, and he stepped inside this portal, feeling reality slowly disappear around him.

When Jake came out of the portal, he found himself in a completely different place. The landscape was incredibly beautiful and alien. Giant trees towered to the sky, their branches framing the sky, giving the impression that he was in some magical forest. The river running past him sparkled bright blue, like a stream of living sapphires. Jake felt like he was in a fairy tale, surrounded by unusual plants emitting light and sounds that were incredibly harmonious and inspiring.

His heart was beating faster, and his eyes were full of surprise and excitement. Jake realized that he was in a completely different world, which is full of mysteries and wonders. And now his life has changed forever, opening up unexplored horizons of adventures and opportunities for him.

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