Struggle. Prisoners of Darkness

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам героическая фантастика, боевая фантастика, боевики. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Year: 2170. Humanity survived the terrible catastrophe of World War III, but fate has prepared another test for it. A century after the war, Earth has become a bleak and ruthless place where survivors face a new threat. The humanoid monsters known as plagues are returning from the dark past to fulfill their sinister designs. The protagonist of this saga is the foreman of a group of miners who has lost all his loved ones in the horrors of the post-war reality. His soul is filled with bitterness and the desire for freedom. He decides to rally those who refuse to accept slavery around him and lead a desperate rebellion against the plagues. However, the plagues are not just ruthless warriors. They possess inexplicable power and a secret ancient artifact, the Black Stone, an object of worship and the main source of their power. The book, written 18 years ago (2005) chose Makeyevka, a suburb of Donetsk, as the setting, which is unusually relevant in our time.

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No one remembers the time when we were free anymore. Once upon a time, long ago, there was a war between us humans. We didn't know we'd have to face anyone else. We thought we'd conquered nature, split the atom, mastered space. And then they came… And all our equipment, all our "artificial minds" refused to work… not for us, but for anyone at all: they simply failed. All our achievements became nothing in an instant: missiles, computers, distribution systems, what's more… half of everything became junk. And the shuttles and satellites… who knows what happened to them. Maybe they fell into the ocean, or maybe they are still flying… in fact, nobody is interested in it now....

And all because of some crystal. None of the humans have ever seen it, of course, but the plagues (the very ones who consider themselves our masters) have always propagandized its power and greatness, claiming unimaginable size and intelligence      Yes, it's alive. What's more, according to them, he's the one who told them to start the war, and then opened

the portal, after which he jammed all our electronics. Jesus, we're down to one firearm and a couple thousand tanks that survived World War III.

Some put their hope in KAZ (active protection complex; armored vehicle defense, which works on the principle of throwing metal balls in the direction of a flying shell), but it was so little, as well as forces, and the enemies were so many that. God, why did we fight each other?

There's what's left

Why the plagues needed us is quite clear – raw materials, material and labor. Now they pump our oil, our gas and coal, and everything else is also ours and only by ourselves. Here we are slaves and have no rights, that is, not that to our oil or gas, but to ourselves and our children. And how many of us are left? I don't know.      maybe a third or a quarter of a

billion. Who cares, as long as there is enough for production?

People are finally equalized in rights. Nonsense, but that seems to be possible when there are no rights at all. When everyone has to work for the chums.

There are those who disagree with this – the Maquis (in honor of the once former rebels). They hide somewhere, they are few in number, but they attack, though rarely. We are all with them, but we see perfectly well that we can do nothing now.

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