
О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам короткие любовные романы, зарубежная драматургия. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


A series of short stories about how the fictional world often goes against reality. At all times, people create ideals for themselves, try to find them in real life, but are they really ready to meet them? The book was created with AI for the purpose of writing a scientific paper.

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Reflection in the Screen

In a world where the boundary between reality and virtuality blurred, two souls found solace within the pixels of a social network. Mel, a young and enchanting blonde with captivating blue eyes, seemed to radiate beauty and charm. However, beneath her outward allure, she was often plagued by self-doubt and a constant urge to seek validation in the digital realm. Prone to self-criticism of her appearance, she meticulously curated her profile, presenting a version of herself she hoped others would adore. She lived in her own invented world, where filters masked imperfections, and the admiration of her followers was paramount. Mel's reality revolved around the glowing screen, while she preferred to remain oblivious to the beauty of the world around her.

Among those mesmerized by her digital allure was Greg, a dark-haired and fit young man whose own profile betrayed an enigmatic aura. Unsmiling and emotionless, he seemed to embody a stoic mystery that intrigued many, including Mel. Greg, too, had found his solace in the digital realm, a place where he could observe and study people's emotions from a distance. He was an enigma, and his deep interest in human emotions fueled a secret agenda.

Their online encounter was electric, sparking intense dialogues filled with emotion and drama. Mel found herself confiding in Greg, sharing her insecurities and fears about her appearance. In return, Greg responded with insight and empathy, using carefully crafted words to assure her of her beauty and worth. Little did Mel know that Greg's words were not born out of genuine admiration, but rather, from a perverse fascination with manipulating emotions.

As the days turned into weeks, Mel and Greg's virtual bond deepened, and they reveled in the illusion of their perfect connection. Yet, despite the intensity of their virtual relationship, Greg continuously hesitated to meet Mel in person. He cited various reasons, each more plausible than the last, but never quite committed to a real-world encounter.

Doubts began to creep into Mel's heart as the dissonance between expectation and reality grew. The perfect bond they had in the virtual realm seemed to fray when confronted with the real world. Her friends urged her to be cautious, to question Greg's true intentions, but she was reluctant to accept the possibility that her digital sanctuary could be built on deceit.

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