Psychology of age

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру возрастная психология. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Приветствую дорогой читатель.Рискну подозрение, что моя книга будет актуальна не только для людей старше 25 лет, а также и для других возрастных групп. Последние десятилетие люди в особенности зациклены на взаимосвязи "незакрытых гештальтов" и своего возраста. Как найти баланс между несколькими двумя аспектами и обрести гармонию об этой моей новой книге.Желаю приятного прочтения.Greetings dear reader.I risk the suspicion that my book will be relevant not only for people over 25 years old, but also for other age groups. For the last decade, people in particular have been fixated on the relationship between "unclosed gestalts" and their age. How to find a balance between several two aspects and find harmony about this new book of mine.I wish you a pleasant reading.

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Age is a philosophical concept. More and more from the new press I come across nostalgic notes of famous presenters, newspaper journalists and other creative personalities. There they remember 1994 as the time of their student days, youth, or just their twenties. At such moments, I just feel a little uncomfortable for myself and my generation, who were just born in 1994, remembering our attitude to age. We have long considered ourselves old. But recently the most banal incident happened. I recently met with school friends. This year we have 10 years since the end of the 11th grade. I suggested upgrading the "muscle memory" on the boxing feet. Since my friends were related to boxing and practiced longer than me, though at an earlier age: I then went a little to aikido, and even earlier to taekwondo. However, friends felt that they were too old for boxing. Even for practicing movements on the paws, which strengthens the SHOV, improves breathing, this is especially true in the period after the pandemic. When I explained that I was a year and six months older than them, even this fact did not console them

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