As Long аs I'm With You

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам героическая фантастика, зарубежные приключения. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Короткий рассказ в трёх частях на английском с элементами драмы и научной фантастики. Специальная версия для изучающих язык. Более 150 сносок с переводом сложных слов и объяснениями интересных выражений и структур.Plot: Lizzy is a working young woman who has everything she needs – a good job and a man she loves. Her life changes dramatically when one peaceful morning turns into a dramatic chain of events that will take her to a different world and will force her to make some tough decisions. Will she be able to go through the ordeal and accomplish the mission that she was unexpectedly assigned for?.

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Chapter 1

We will figure this out



She could not believe what she was looking at. It was impossible2. How could this happen? Only an hour ago, everything was fine. She thought she was one of the happiest3 women in the world. She had everything: a man who loved her, an excellent job, a bunch4 of friends, and a cute car. She could not wait to wake up every morning and go spend her day with a big smile on her face. And now… Well, now she was not sure that her life would ever go back to what it was. No. Let us rephrase5that. She was not sure that she had life anymore. How did this all happen?

It all began this morning when he told her that he was leaving her. Things went down the hill6afterwards7.

“You what?” she asked.

She was still having her first cup of the day and the words spilled out8 with some coffee.

He was standing near an open window. It was a bright day and it looked as if he had a halo over his head. What an irony!

“We can’t be together anymore,” he added and looked out of the window rather nervously.

“What are you looking out of the window for?” she tried to stay cool. “Is your new girlfriend waiting for you out there?”

Staying cool did not seem like an option.

“I’m sorry, but we have to end it today,” he said looking at her.

“What do you mean today?! What? Do you already have a breakup plan9? Or did you just decide10 it while drinking your coffee?” she asked, barely controlling herself and slowly realizing that it was not a joke of some kind11.

“Listen. We’ll figure this out. Believe me, it’s for the best,” he said.

Are you being serious now?12” she put her cup down on the kitchen table, suddenly13 realizing that she might throw it at him right about now14.

He opened his mouth and that was the exact15 moment when something cracked16 loudly outside, and he fell on the floor with his head covered in blood. Then her phone started to ring.


She answered in a zombie mode, still not realizing what had just happened.

You’d better17 leave now,” a female voice said on the other side of the line.

“Ah?” all she could master, with her eyes fixed on the motionless body on the floor.

“Go now or you’ll be lying next to him in a minute,” not a hint ofcompassion18 in the voice.

“Who are you?” she was almost screaming.

“Don’t believe anyone. Run!” the same

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