
О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам современные любовные романы, любовное фэнтези, книги о войне. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In this modern story, which is rooted in hoary antiquity, it tells about the passionate love of a hero and a girl, in which, bound by passionate love, they swore allegiance to each other, performing the oath ritual of their immortal Love …

Читать онлайн Valentin Kolesnikov - Eva

Eva. Book 1

A modern story of two hearts in love, in which they performed an oath ritual of fidelity to each

other, violating one of the Biblical commandments. The characters in the story are fictitious,

coincidences are random. The contents of the book are compiled and maintained in the first

person of the hero, the text is printed in a revised and supplemented version by the author of a

previously printed fragment of the text in the short story “The Oath”, the book “Princess.

Novels". Author's note.

Dedicated to Pr....ss

“On a clear, still day near the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, where the domain of the

Garden of Eden once stretched, through the transparent covers of the waves you can

sometimes see a sea flower, a wondrous creation of nature: lacy leaves and a network of veins,

purple, brown, pink, violet and golden tones, velvety fabric, the freshness of a living filigree

jewel; but all this fades as soon as the curious takes the plant out of the sea and throws it on

the sand. In the same way, the bright sun of publicity would offend your holy modesty.

Therefore, in dedicating my work to you, | hesitate to mention your name; but thanks to this

default, your lovely hands can bless my work, your bright forehead can bend thoughtfully over

its pages, your eyes full of motherly love can smile at him – because you will remain in that

depth where your beautiful life blossomed, just as how a pearl of marine flora lurks on a

smooth and bright sandy bottom, hidden by an azure wave and accessible only to a friendly,

modest look. | would like to place at your feet a work worthy of your spiritual charm, but if | did

not succeed, | will hope to console myself with your innate tendency to patronize tenderness,

nourished by kindness and love. Author".


The story begins at the end of 2022 with a summons that came to Baran Valentin Yuryevich, 55

years old, engineer captain of the Air Force reserve, to come with things to the military

registration and enlistment office of the Obolonsky district of Kiev. According to the

mobilization order, the captain with a group of territorial defense servicemen is leaving for a

military unit at the Bila Tserkva military airfield not far from Kyiv. Upon arrival at the duty

station at this very time, the airfield is captured by Russian paratroopers, and those who arrived

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