Chatting About Love

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру короткие любовные романы. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


A romantic story of love and admiration, which at the same time reveals a fairly common negative phenomenon on dating sites.This story can also be used as an easy read for English learners.Романтическая история любви и восхищения, которая в то же время раскрывает достаточно распространенное негативное явление на сайтах знакомств.Эта история также может быть использована в качестве легкого чтения для изучающих английский язык.

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22 July

Hello my dear friend, how are you doing, I hope you are okay and everything is going smoothly with you? My name is Patrick Jones, if you don't mind, I would like to be your pal here on Chatpals. If you are interested, please send me a direct message

23 July

– Hello Patrick! My name is Nicole, in English it is possible as Nikki

I will be glad to be your good friend

25 July

Thank you, Nicole, you have a beautiful name. It’s nice to meet you here.

How are you doing at the moment? If you don’t mind, can we be friends in sincerity and faithfulness because true friendship always makes life more beautiful

Of course, Patrick, I will be very happy and I am very pleased to realize that there is a sincere and loyal friend somewhere. I will also have an incentive to improve my English

26 July

You are welcome, Nicole, it’s a great honor to be your good friend too. I believe we can learn from each other wonderfully

I see you are online. It’s 9:39 pm here in NC, what is the time with you now in Paris?

Are you there? I seem you have lots of friends here on Chatpals

Each morning, may you have the will to achieve the things which are impossible! And do things that are most practical, may you have a lovely day! Wish you a good morning!

I am going to bed I will get in touch with you later

27 July

– Good morning, Patrick! The time difference between Paris and North Carolina is 6 hours. For example, if it’s 7 am for you, it’s 1 pm for me. I put your time on the extra clock and now I always know how much time you have

– I’ve only been on Chatpals for 7 months with a big break and didn’t have time to make friends. If you’re going to be my friend, then I don’t need anyone else.

Hello Nicole, thank you for the wonderful response. I will gladly wish to be your only friend in sincerity if you give me the chance to do so. It should be late with you in Paris at the moment. Well, I also don’t use chatpal frequently, if you do not mind, I would like us to talk more on google chats. Below is me googling email address, you can add me up on google chats or send me your google email address to add you up if you find it difficult adding me up

Hope you are ending your day with happy thoughts and gratitude, and looking forward to a morning that is as wonderful as you. Good night

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