Neanderthal theory of Indoeuropeans

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам исторические приключения, историческая литература. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The concept of Indoeuropeans emerged in the 16 century when European missionaries in Goa noticed that they understand some words of the local population. Many indirect facts indicate repeated migrations along the line connecting Spain and Sri Lanka. Officially, Indoeuropean languages are a separate family, just one of many, but is it true? Is human civilization a bush growing from many independent roots or a tree? In the latter case, Indoeuropeans have all chances to be its trunk.

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At the end of the 2 millennium Europe took over all the other continents including West Asia where our civilization was officially born. North Europe has worse climate and less fertile soil than South Asia, but could win. Why? Because this was always. The intention of this work is to show that the roots of civilization lead to Europe and it were Neanderthals who laid the foundation and disseminated it worldwide.

The previous hominids

Homo neanderthalensis.

Neanderthals were the previous to Homo Sapiens in the chain of evolving hominids. They appeared approximately 300000 years ago, 150000 years before modern humans. These approximate numbers were adopted at the end of 20 century. Later they were shifted backwards. At the time of coexistence their experience was definitely larger. What is necessary to underline, Neanderthals were specifically European hominid. They lived in Asia too, but the main habitat was West, South, Central, and East Europe. The climate here is colder than in Tropical Africa so this species needed to adapt. These changes proceeded along 2 ways.

First – modifications of the organism. Heat production is proportional to the volume; heat loss – to the surface area. For the ball, the ratio of loss to production will be inversely proportional to its size. Also, it will grow for long objects. In the cold climate, it is more profitable to be large and round; in the hot – small and elongated. Neanderthals had wider skeleton and stronger musculature. Northern climate stimulated growth of hairs. The brain was larger.

Sapiens vs. neanderthal comparison.

Its rear part was enhanced because it contains visual areas and Neanderthals lived in dark caves and the North receives less insolation. Also they had elongated skulls. This relates Neanderthals with Paracas people in Peru. Many cultures worldwide tried to deform their sculls, but Paracas had different bones. Their scull is definitely not that of Neanderthals, but it could evolve from that. Also let's ask, why different peoples exposed their children to such a torturous procedure? Obviously, they believed that it is useful. Probably they remembered somebody with such a head who was more clever and skilled than they were.

Second – behavioral changes. Protection from the cold forces search for natural dwellings such as caves or building artificial ones. Initially historians deemed that people began to build villages with the introduction of agriculture and these villages later grew into towns. Later discoveries showed that the first towns emerged simultaneously with villages and even before agriculture. Neanderthals created their dwellings out of animal skins, large bones, tusks or horns, and stones. Building, making clothes, hunting requires more and more sophisticated tools. Neanderthals even knew technology. They attached the pike to the shaft with a glue.

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