Environmental crimes in a transnational context. Topical issues of international environmental disputes as a risk of threat to the world legal order

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Авторы книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам общая история, политология, юриспруденция, прочая образовательная литература. Год его публикации неизвестен. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 9785005620408.


Каждый человек имеет право на жизнь, из этого вытекает право человека на мир, связаное с правом на мир народа и государства. И это объязывает мирное сообщество применять принципымирного разрешения споров разного характера, в том числе и экологических споров.Надеемся, что эта работа поможет улучшить понимание взаимосвязи между защитой прав человека в соответствии с Европейской конвенцией о правах человека и окружающей средой.

Читать онлайн Giorgi Matiashvili, Ketevan Berestova-Gadilia - Environmental crimes in a transnational context. Topical issues of international environmental disputes as a risk of threat to the world legal order

© Giorgi Matiashvili, 2022

© Ketevan Berestova-Gadilia, 2022

© Naili Pkhikidze, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0056-2040-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


MBA BACHELOR EN DROIT INTERNATIONAL. INTERNATIONAL LAWYER.Member of an,,International Bar Association,, IBA, a,,World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology,, WASET a,,European society of International Law,, ESILSEDI. Author of а book and scientific articles in international journals.

Contact information: [email protected]


DOCTORAL CANDIDATE OF Ph. D IN LAW.Real member, of TAO-KLARJETI SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY. With 20 years of experience working in private and public structures. Author of a book and scientific articles in top international journals.Contact information:[email protected]


Ph.D.in Law, Real member, ACADEMICIAN of,, FAZISI ACADEMY,, With 27 years of experience working in private and public structures. Author of books and scientific articles in international journals.

Contact information: [email protected]

Translation made: ZHANA TCHOLARIA. Master of Education (M. Ed). E-mail:[email protected]


,,As we progress into the twenty-first century, anyone who considers themselves a realist will have to make the environment a top priority.” -Leonardo DiCaprio

Extreme heat wave, severe forest fires, floods and other types of natural disasters around the world confirmed undoubtedly, that this is a climatic disruption, which turned out into a large-scale extreme situation for our entire planet.

,, God finds the quilty’”, as Homer said, and we entered in to the period of consequences. Governments simply observed, how the disasters spread out, striving forward to new pipe system and annual trillions in subsidies of fossil fuel. Correspondingly, against the background of commercial interests and striving for material wealth, they forgot and put under question tomorrow’s existence of their own habitat.

At the end of the 60s of the twentieth century, the United Nations Organization drew the attention of the world community to the rampant pollution of the environment and the exhaustibility of natural resources as one of the global problems of our time. Overgrowth of technological progress has changed the rules of the game of survival.

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