Anti-intuition – a phenomenon unrecognized by science

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Let's talk about SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES IN PSYCHIATRY. I discovered a phenomenon here, perhaps it will pull on the Nobel Prize … At least I think Carl Jung could appreciate and understand this, unlike Freud. So, let's consider the issue of ANTI-INTUITION, and intuition too.

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Having started to consider the issue of anti-intuition from the very beginning, I had to go back into the issue of intuition itself and how it manifests itself. This is not only “guessing” something, but a much more complicated thing.

In general, we are looking for an answer to the question, what kind of phenomenon is this “anti-intuition” and what to do with it, because for some reason this question, which is clearly worthy of the Nobel Prize, is not considered by science at all. After all, this is from the very area of veryday things, when you did something, and then, having received the opposite result, hit yourself on the forehead with the words – “I thought so! Well, where did I look?

Anti-intuition – asking a question

Essence of the question. There is intuition, it is studied by psychology, psychiatry, etc. There it passes as a manifestation of the unconscious, which improves the creative abilities of a person, helps to solve non-standard tasks, to foresee the result, etc. In general, this thing is a sixth sense, obviously a useful thing. Scientists are doing research on this phenomenon, this is a type of "psychic" ability, so experiments are being carried out on psychics, the brain, etc. In general, ceteris paribus, intuition makes the average person superhuman compared to those who do not have it, although it is not clear how it works.

So, for many years, science has been exploring the phenomenon of "intuition", otherwise "extrasensory" (because it is a feeling), spends time and money on this, but at the same time does not pay the slightest attention to the opposite extreme of the manifestation of intuition – let's call it anti – sensory or anti-sixth sense, or anti-intuition.

It's like studying the effect of elevated temperatures on objects, but not paying attention to the effects of negative ones.

Anti-intuition as a phenomenon

What kind of state is this "anti-intuition"? Yes, it manifests itself in the same way as intuition and is familiar to almost everyone. If intuition helps to solve problems, then anti-intuition – sabotages their solution, makes absolutely obvious things invisible at close range, at least for such and such a period of time. This state is "Looking into a book – I see a fig." This is not the usual stupidity or ignorance of a person, not a state of distracted attention, not caused by stress or anything else. This is when you are looking for a flashlight in a dark room, holding this same flashlight, turned on in your hand. This is when a second ago you held something in your hand, and now for half an hour you cannot find this object anywhere, and it is in front of your nose. This is simply a decrease in the degree or possibility of perceiving information, just as unpredictable, arising "apparently involuntarily", as well as the opposite state, when super-perception (intuition) works.

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